The universe is amazing,
and so are you.

Work with me to expand your consciousness, elevate your life and connect with the higher you.

Are you ready for a radical shift in consciousness?

Pellowah Energy Healing

Every Pellowah Energy Healing session is different. Clients get what they need, when they need it.

Umana Technique

Work with Angels

Soul 2 Source

Earth Angel:
Arael Aszarym

Universe, Amaze Me
Oracle Cards

Soultribe blog - think differently

Have you been called to Pellowah Energy Healing or The Umana Technique?

Pellowah and Umana are high-frequency forms of energy work, focused on expanding consciousness and growth. They are beautiful. Pellowah saved my life, Umana changed it. They can change your world too.


Nate is a light worker helping people find their light and purpose. Let’s grow together

