Earth Angels' Guide to Embracing the Lionsgate Portal Energy

Dive into the mystical wonders of the 8/8 Lionsgate Portal and the energies it unleashes, which resonate deeply with us, the Earth Angels.

To put it simply: the Lionsgate Portal is a special time of year when the Earth receives enhanced cosmic energies, associated with the alignment of the Sun in Leo and the star Sirius, and is seen as a time of heightened spiritual activity.

This is a powerful time for manifestation - bringing into consciousness your deepest desires - but there are also a lot of other ways to harness and use the powerful energies happening at this time.

What is the Lionsgate Portal?

The Lionsgate Portal is believed to be active every year from July 26 to August 12, with its peak on August 8th. During this timethe Sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo (hence the name "Lionsgate") and there's an alignment with the star Sirius, which is often called the "Spiritual Sun." This alignment results in an increase in cosmic energy reaching Earth, making it a powerful time for meditation, insights, and spiritual growth.

10 things to expect and how to connect to the Lionsgate Portal

  1. Crystal clear guidance

    Navigate the Lionsgate energies by listening to your crystals and having them near you. Close your eyes and feel the call of a crystal or crystals as the Lionsgate energy amplifies their power. Work with your crystals during this time to fast-track progress and break through any blockages holding you back. Now is YOUR time. 

  2. Activate your "other" chakras

    Beyond our primary seven chakras, other energy centres in our aura can be invigorated during this cosmic window, guiding us towards enriched spiritual wisdom. We have hundreds of other chakras in our auric field ready for activation to help us on our journey.

  3. Activate your third eye chakra:

    Another chakra this portal activates is the third eye, boosting our intuitive prowess. There's potential for an enhanced understanding of how our intuition communicates. 

  4. Cosmic Revelations

    The potent energies of Sirius may bless us with psychic insights. Be it dreams, spiritual allies, or tranquil moments of clarity, there are numerous conduits. Embrace practices like meditation and automatic writing to tap into these vibes. The universe wants to talk to you - now is the perfect time to listen and receive.

  5. Visitations from beyond

    Sirius, believed by ancients to be a celestial realm, amplifies our connectivity under the Lionsgate energy. Expect heightened communication from the beyond - spirits, angels, or even interstellar entities.

  6. Heal and strengthen your heart

    The Lionsgate passage powerfully resonates with our heart chakra. Past and present heartaches may come forth, seeking healing. As these surface, there's potential for liberation from long-held grief or pain. 

  7. Ah... the serenity

    The serene frequencies of Sirius beckon. Connect with this calm energy by immersing in nature or meditation, and let it rejuvenate you holistically. The Lionsgate portal is a time to let go of clutter in your mind, any thoughts holding you back, and any self-limiting beliefs that prevent you moving forward. Go out into nature and cut the cords, returning that energy to Mother Earth under the powerful Lionsgate energies. 

  8. Light the spark of innovation

    If technology and innovation are your callings, the advanced technological resonance of Sirius can supercharge your endeavours. It's a ripe time to kickstart tech projects!

  9. Ignite your creative spark

    Feel the Lionsgate's inspirational vibes pushing you to embrace creativity. Whether kickstarting a new venture or rekindling a dormant one, now's the moment. 

  10. Break your soul free from its cage

    The unique Sirius vibration imparts an essence of freedom. It enlightens us to the difference between our sunlit reality and the profound truths of our soul and spirit, granting a deep-seated liberation. I talk a lot about this - and it’s a topic Kachina Ma’an, the founder of Pellowah, talks a lot about too. Set an intention during this powerful time to step out of your cage - no matter how beautiful it is - and spread your wings.

Happy Lionsgate, Earth Angels! Harness these energies and elevate your spirit.

If you are ready for a radical shift in consciousness, you could be feeling a call to Pellowah. Break free from the things holding you back from your higher path. 


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