What is Pellowah energy healing?

Pellowah unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection, which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness.

Through this, we can make choices that take us to greater heights and levels in our life.

It is simple yet powerful and effective.

Pellowah is an angelic word meaning "Radical Shift in Consciousness".

Pellowah is pure source energy

Although an angelic word, Pellowah energy does not originate from the angelic realms. It is pure source energy - a direct transmission from the Light.

Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the Practitioner. It connects directly to the person receiving the healing, and the Practitioner acts only as a conduit.

Benefits from a Pellowah Energy Healing session

Like reiki, but different

Unlike Reiki, there is no diagnosis or interpretation by the Practitioner.

Pellowah is high-frequency energy. It is lighter and subtler than Reiki, a more dense, earthy type of energy in comparison.

Both are powerful in their own ways. 

From my experience, Pellowah is more effective and longer lasting than a reiki treatment for treating blocks, increasing consciousness, and connecting with your higher self.

What to expect from a Pellowah Energy Healing session

No two Pellowah sessions are the same

Your first Pellowah session connects all 12 strands of your spiritual DNA and activates them. Once connected, these strands can never be broken.

You'll have a permanent boost for letting in new information, see the world from a higher perspective, and a natural defence to deflect negativity.

The person receiving Pellowah may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle yet profound, unfolding over time. After the initial euphoria from a Pellowah session, many clients don't recognise the full benefit of treatment until some time afterwards.

Pellowah origins

Pellowah is a holistic therapy that originated in Australia in 2003. It was channelled by the inspirational and humble Kachina Ma’an, who was seeking to develop a simple and powerful energy healing system that could be easily taught and used by anyone. Pellowah is for “our time” as the consciousness of humanity awakens

The name "Pellowah" is an angelic term, meaning Radical shift in consciousness. It’s derived from two words, "Pell" which means "to connect" and "owah" which means "the divine".

Since its creation, Pellowah has become increasingly popular and is now taught and used by practitioners around the world. It is the energy work of choice for many lightworkers like myself.

Many people are drawn to Pellowah for their own spiritual growth and enlightenment. Some go on to become practitioners.

Once a practitioner receives the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy and hold the healing space for the person receiving it, the energy flows.

Ready for a new perspective?

Following a Pellowah session, clients open their eyes to a new perspective. It's like shifting the focus on a camera lens. Things that are unimportant shift out of focus, and there is a sharper awareness of the things that should be a priority in your life.