Pellowah level 1 and 2 training

Learn Pellowah. Accelerate your Spiritual growth.

Discover Pellowah, a powerful high-vibrational healing technique that expands consciousness and reconnects you to your Higher Self. Learn to channel this energy for personal growth and to offer transformative healing sessions to clients, friends, and family.

Benefits of Learning Pellowah:

  • Intuitive Guidance: Develop your intuition and ability to follow divine energy flow.

  • High-Vibrational Connection: Tap into a powerful source of spiritual energy for healing and transformation.

  • Spiritual Development: Continue your spiritual journey with deeper awareness and connection.

  • Alignment with Higher Self: Experience the benefits of a harmonious and integrated life purpose.

    Read more about the benefits of a pellowah healing

Benefits of Giving Pellowah Healing:

  • Chakra & Meridian Balancing: Promote well-being by realigning and unblocking energy centres.

  • Spiritual Cleansing: Ideal for those on a spiritual path, offering deep purification.

  • Long-Lasting Healing Effects: Pellowah's impact integrates deeply into the energetic body.

After Your Training:

  • Become a Qualified Pellowah Practitioner: Leave the weekend ready to offer in-person and distance healing sessions.

  • Official Certification: Receive your Pellowah 1 & 2 certificates and join a community of accredited practitioners.

Register your interest

Want to take your Pellowah experience to the next level? You can.

Consider undertaking Pellowah 3 training. Pellowah 3 training is only available through Kachina Ma’an.

More about pellowah level 1

Become a practitioner! You will receive the attunement to perform Pellowah Healing Technique© on your clients, family, and friends and it enhances any other healing modality you may have.

You will learn about the Pellowah Healing Technique© and its background, how to use it and how it does not replace any of your healing modalities, but actually enhances them. Pellowah Healing Technique© works in all areas – physical, emotional, and spiritual.

It is a day filled with experiential learning, meditation, and healing. It is hands-on so by the close of day, you will be fully attuned, qualified, and confident to perform a healing, a group healing, or an absent healing.

More about pellowah level 2

Connect with the high being that you were when you first made the decision to be here at this time and place. With this connection, you are then able to bring the energy of consciousness of your higher being into your everyday life.

During this day we will do symbol work, meditation, and healing to raise the energy so we can do your Pellowah Level 2 attunement.

Today is all about your own personal growth; it is light-hearted and fun.

After this day you are able to receive regular attunements that will help your consciousness to grow.

You must complete Pellowah Level One before doing Level Two.

Upcoming training sessions

Pellowah 1+2 Training weekend !!BOOKED OUT!!

Sydney, Australia
When: January 13 and 14
Time: 9am to 4pm (approximate finish time)
Cost: $555

All training materials provided.

Become a Pellowah practitioner

At the end of the weekend, you will be a fully qualified Pellowah Practitioner, allowing you to perform healing for clients.

On completion, you will be presented with the official Pellowah 1 and 2 certification and join the nationwide list of accredited Pellowah Practitioners.