Unlock your spiritual potential with the Umana Technique©

Discover the Umana Technique©: Your Path to Accelerated Spiritual Growth

In today's fast-paced world, we often yearn for a deeper connection to ourselves, to the universe, and to our full potential as spiritual beings. The Umana Technique©, a powerful healing modality channelled by the renowned Australian spiritual teacher Kachina Ma'an, offers a unique and profound pathway to precisely that kind of transformative experience.

What is the Umana Technique©?

The Umana Technique© works by activating a unique meridian system within the body, including higher chakras numbered 8 through 12. Working with these higher energy centers can awaken extraordinary spiritual abilities, promoting your evolutionary journey in profound ways.

Key Benefits of the Umana Technique©

This revolutionary technique can help you to:

  • Activate dormant abilities and talents from past lives: We carry within our souls the imprints of our many lifetimes. Umana can help reactivate skills and wisdom sometimes lost between existences.

  • Access higher states of consciousness: Experience dimensions of reality beyond everyday awareness, expanding your perception of yourself and the universe.

  • Facilitate deep healing on all levels: Umana works to address imbalances on the spiritual, emotional, and physical planes, restoring harmony within.

  • Promote overall well-being and personal growth: As your energetic system shifts, you may experience profound personal growth, increased vitality, and a deep sense of well-being.

Experience the Transformative Power of Umana

The Umana Technique© fosters a deeply personal and transformative journey. With each session, you step further into your power and possibility. Available in both in-person and remote formats, its profound benefits are accessible to anyone with the desire for spiritual evolution.

How Does a Umana Session Work?

The Umana Technique© is beautifully simple. During a session, you simply lie down and relax while I directs the Umana energy. Whether in-person or remote, the experience is similar:

  1. You close your eyes and allow yourself to enter a receptive state.

  2. I work with the Umana energy to activate and connect your meridian system.

  3. This process focuses on opening and activating chakras 8 through 12.

The Umana technique activates your higher chakras

What are chakras?

Imagine your body as a home to swirling vortices of energy, known as chakras. These centres, visualised as spinning wheels of light, bridge the physical with the spiritual, each resonating with specific aspects of our being. From the base of our spine to the crown of our head, the seven primary chakras form a ladder of spiritual evolution, influencing our physical, emotional, and mental wellness. By nurturing and balancing these chakras, we invite harmony, health, and a flourishing personal journey.

Beyond the visible: The transformative power of chakras 8-12

Introducing the Umana technique—a pioneering journey into the realm of higher consciousness. Beyond the well-trodden path of the first seven chakras lies the untapped potential of five extraordinary chakras, ascending above the crown. These higher centres of power are gateways to abilities and insights that transcend the ordinary, connecting us with the vast cosmos and its limitless energy. The Umana technique is not just a practice but a transformative experience that propels us into realms of profound spiritual depth and cosmic connection.

Experience the benefits of activating chakras 8-12:

  • 8th chakra: The beacon of spiritual perception

    • Spiritual perception: Awaken to the subtle dance of energy that connects all of existence, seeing the world with new eyes.

    • Out-of-body exploration: Traverse beyond the physical, journeying to distant realms and dimensions for unique perspectives and enlightenment.

    • Enhanced wisdom: Tap into the ancient well of wisdom that guides your soul's voyage, illuminating your path with clarity and purpose.

  • 9th chakra ("Upper Dan Tien"): The enlightened self

    • Embody enlightenment: Cultivate a state of profound peace and boundless compassion, embodying the light of awakened consciousness.

    • Release dormant potential: Unleash the full spectrum of your abilities, discovering talents and capacities that have lain hidden within.

  • 10th chakra: The architect of destiny

    • Manifest past-life skills: Reclaim the wisdom and abilities of your past lives, accelerating your growth and mastery in the present.

    • Effortless success: Become a magnet for prosperity and success, with your endeavours blossoming through your awakened influence.

  • 11th chakra ("Core Star"): The evolutionary vortex

    • Energetic ascension: Embark on an epic quest of spiritual evolution, elevating your vibrational essence to new heights.

    • Advanced abilities: Step into a world where the miraculous becomes commonplace—telekinesis, teleportation, and the manifestation of thoughts into reality.

  • 12th chakra: The divine connection

    • Connection to source: Merge with the infinite energy of creation, feeling an unbreakable bond with the divine.

    • Dimensional mastery: Navigate the vast multiverse, understanding the intricate web that connects diverse realities.

    • Time navigation with BST: Employ Blank Slate Technology to weave through time, crafting a future filled with joy, peace, and transformative change.

The Umana technique: Your gateway to a limitless life

The Umana technique isn't just a method; it's a voyage into the essence of who you truly are. It's about breaking free from the perceived limits of existence and stepping into a realm where anything is possible. With the activation of your higher chakras, you're not just living; you're thriving, evolving, and becoming a conduit for extraordinary change in the world.

Start your evolutionary leap: book your Umana session today

I offer both 60-minute and 30-minute Umana Technique© sessions to fit your needs. Contact me to schedule your session and begin your journey of transformation.

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