Meet Nate

This is me

Based in Sydney, Nate loves nature, beaches and the outdoors.

Nate saw an Angel when he was 12 and was given a special symbol to use in this lifetime. He has been on a path of spiritual enlightenment, focusing on light work including Reiki, Pellowah, The Umana Technique and symbol work ever since.

Nate is a regular guest on podcasts and recently unveiled his Diamond Activation workshop to help you connect with your Guardian angel and the angelic realms as the Angel Feathers Sprirutal Sanctuary retreat in Cedar Creek, Queensland.

His other true love In life is his cat, Ollie.

A  man with blue and white angel wings

Self-portrait (2002)

Nate is a certified Level 3 Pellowah practitioner and is available for individual Pellowah healing sessions, Arbah healings, and Past life assimilation sessions, Reiki, The Umana Technique and more.

He also teaches Pellowah Levels 1 and 2 for groups.

Nate trained under the tuition of founder and creator Kachina Ma’an.

He is also a reiki practitioner (Level 2) and a certified Angel Numerologist (Radleigh Valentine) and a certified Soul to Source practitioner under the supervision of Triona Sheeran.

“Pellowah left me with a beautiful calm feeling that has stayed with me.  It has made me feel grounded, and I achieved unforgettable milestones from meditation very soon after.

It was so easy on my end, no effort needed either mental or physical.  Just be relaxed and in my own space.”  - Gayle