Kachina Maan and me

About Kachina Ma'an

Kachina Ma’aan is an Australian-based international spiritual healer and founder of Pellowah Energy Healing and The Umana Technique

Based in Queensland , Kachina is best known as the founder and guardian of Pellowah Energy Healing. Her early life is a bit of a mystery, but in 2003, she experienced powerful visions that led her to channel the foundation of Pellowah.

In 2024, Kachina Ma’an taught the inaugural Umana Technique practitioner course, which I was lucky to attend.

See upcoming workshops with Kachina Ma’an in Sydney and Queensland

What is Pellowah?

The word 'Pellowah' refers to a 'radical shift in consciousness,' which is the main goal of this healing practice. Pellowah is a high-vibration energy technique that aims to help people find better balance, awareness, and a sense of wholeness. Unlike other healing methods, It doesn't target specific physical problems. Instead, it focuses on healing the whole person—mind, body, and spirit.

What is the Umana Technique?

The Umana Technique© works by activating a unique meridian system within the body, including higher chakras 8 through 12. Working with these higher energy centres can awaken extraordinary spiritual abilities, promoting your evolutionary journey in profound ways.

Beyond Pellowah and Umana

Kachina Ma’an offers a range of courses designed to promote spiritual development and personal transformation. These include:

  • Five steps to living your highest potential

    A framework that guides mastering essential aspects of life or greater personal power and spiritual connection.
    You will release all limitations, blockages and past debris, leaving your life clear to attract the new and positive things you want. It effectively provides a delete button for all negative patterns and blockages in your life.
    Helps you go on with your life with strength, clarity and awareness
    This workshop came about through a discussion when someone asked, "What do we need to do to go onto our next stage of evolution?"
    The answer was that there are 5 Principles that a person needs to master to do this effectively.
    As human beings, we can only bring into our reality what we can imagine, and we tend to imagine the worst.
    We have all these external reference points that tell us who we are, what we are, where we are in relationship to everything around us. Because this is the case, we cannot bring into our reality anything that is outside those reference points and we cannot go beyond them as they hold us in our accepted reality.
    If you break energy down to its simplest form it can only make you weak or strong.  If you are on Purpose the decision will make you strong, if not, it makes you weak.
    The present moment is the only place you can access your Higher Wisdom.
    Every problem, blockage, thought, action and reaction is a direct result of Personal History. That is why we tend to treat and show respect to strangers better than we do our family.
     The course involves going through the 5 Principles in detail, showing you what they are. 
     It is followed by a meditation that activates the point and deletes all these things from your system permanently. If they come back through external sources, you have an instant delete button.

  • Crystal Skulls

    Explores 13 crystal skulls, each with their own gifts and talents you can tap into and take home the essence of their knowledge and wisdom for your own work.

    Crystal Skulls are ancient relics and are said to contain information about the history of our planet and the future of mankind. The Skulls generate an energy field that activates human consciousness in a way that expands our perceptions of reality.
    Kachina Ma’an, the founder of the Pellowah Healing Technique, is the custodian of the Mayan skulls from Mexico/Guatemala.  She has acquired these over a period of twenty years.
    Kachina tells us the Skulls were a powerful tool for healing - Body, Mind, Spirit - by ancient civilizations such as the Mayans and some indigenous peoples are still doing this today.
     The workshops run for a full day with interaction, exercises and meditations with the Crystal Skulls, finishing off with an initiation ceremony. Each workshop participant is provided with a small personal skull to keep and use on the day to activate with the ancient Crystal Skulls.

  • Connecting with the New Hierarchy

    Delves into the concept of higher spiritual beings and how to establish a relationship with them for guidance. These connections will help us to feel settled, find inner strength and listen more with our hearts than our heads.

    The course allows us to reestablish our connection to the rhythms of nature and other energies. It allows us to effectively take on energy with grace and ease and make things happen in a positive way.

    As the world's consciousness advances, we have access to a new hierarchy. Through a series of meditations, we will connect to this new hierarchy including

    • Our Council (we never had access before)

    • New Ascended Masters

    • New Angels

    • Nature spirits and the 5 elements: earth, fire, water, air, spirit

    You will be given symbols or messages through these connections to help you move forward. 

  • 7 Levels of Consciousness

    This full-day course helps you reach the deepest parts of yourself to facilitate healing and change. It is from these deepest parts of our consciousness that we create our reality. It is also where our Life Plan is stored. That being the case, we must get to this place so you can discover and merge with the Inner You that is Timeless and Limitless. This course has a series of seven meditations, and focus is an essential factor.

  • Codes for Life 1, 2, Advanced and Codes for Life

and more.

Since developing Pellowah, Kachina Ma'an has travelled the world sharing her techniques and insights. She started offering classes and certifying Pellowah practitioners in 2004.

Kachina’s impact

Kachina Ma'an has made the Pellowah Healing Technique a well-known name in spiritual circles. Kachina undertakes all her work with humility and purpose. Anyone who has undertaken a course or spent time with Kachina will be a testament to the positive change and a greater sense of awareness she can inspire within others.

Her motto is “Be the light”, and it has become my daily mantra, morning, noon and night.

For information on Kachina’s upcoming workshops, please get in touch .

Recommended reading:

Through Different Eyes by Kachina Ma'an and Ammanna Tsie

Get in touch to order a copy today