My spirit name: Arael Aszarym

Arael Aszarym, Earth Angel

What is a spirit name? And how do you find yours?

My journey to discovering my spirit name: Arael Aszarym

Nate’s destiny took root in a profound childhood encounter. At the age of twelve, he stood in the presence of the mighty Metatron, an Archangel of immense power often associated with sacred geometry and divine wisdom. This celestial visitation left an indelible mark—a six-pointed star, a symbol of his connection to the heavens.

As Nate grew, spirit voices followed, their gentle whispers transforming into undeniable guidance. Yet, the intensity of his otherworldly connection proved overwhelming, leading him to temporarily step away from his extraordinary gifts. Stillness, however, did not erase his spiritual essence.

An innate sense of "knowing" thrummed within him. Out-of-body experiences were commonplace, like the childhood incident where he tumbled in his beloved Sesame Street slippers, smashing his head on the toilet seat. His spirit witnessed his broken nose - hovering in the hallway above. Glimpses of the departed, such as the shimmering presence of his grandfather at a wedding, confirmed the profound link between worlds that Nate carried. His intuition pierced through ordinary timelines, granting him insights unavailable to most.

Childhood heroes like Wonder Woman, with her strength and compassion, and Jem, the rockstar with a holographic alter-ego, inspired him. They mirrored his own existence—a duality between the every day and the extraordinary, fueled by a desire to make a positive mark on the world. As time moved forward, the Angels watched and waited. Life, with its twists and turns, served as Nate’s greatest teacher.

Trials and challenges shaped him. There were times, dark times when he almost didn’t make it. Yet a deep inner knowing - the star symbol - whispered that things would indeed get better. Nate has lived many lives within this one lifetime, a constant cycle of learning, growing, and evolving.

The introduction of Pellowah, a form of energy healing, ignited a radical shift in his consciousness. He broke free of a toxic relationship and self-limiting beliefs to make his own way forward. It was then his mysterious six-pointed star revealed itself as the Merkabah, a symbol of divine light and ascension: a symbol that is part of Metatron’s cube, an a-ha moment explaining his angelic childhood encounter

Nate found his wings. Gifts shimmered in the ethereal realm: a sword of light for cutting through illusion, a shield for protection and discernment, a golden quill to scribe messages of hope. Winged ankles promised swift movement along spiritual pathways, a halo marked his connection to other realms, and a cape symbolised his guardianship. In his forties, a pivotal moment arrived.

Archangel Michael, the warrior angel known for strength and protection, roused him from slumber with a thunderous call to embrace his true mission.

In 2024, he was called to the magical waters of Hervey Bay, where a whisper in the depths of the water led him to a treasure chest. Inside? His spirit name: Arael Aszarym.

It pulsated with celestial purpose—to spread light, inspire through wonder, joy, and an unbreakable resilient spirit, and, most importantly, be a living example of these divine qualities.

Arael Aszarym is not simply a name; it is the embodiment of a soul's journey. From his youthful encounter with Metatron to the awakening call of Michael, his life is a testament to the extraordinary potential within us all. He walks among us as an Earth Angel, wings strong, and fueled by love and light, destined to illuminate and uplift, leaving the world a brighter place than he found it.

Arael’s goal is to make the ordinary feel extraordinary, to show that we are all superheroes and that our greatest weapon is love.

A  man with blue and white angel wings

Self-portrait (2002)

Inspired by his encounter with Archangel Metatron, Nate created this self portrait in his early 20s.

“Pellowah left me with a beautiful calm feeling that has stayed with me.  It has made me feel grounded, and I achieved unforgettable milestones from meditation very soon after.

It was so easy on my end, no effort needed either mental or physical.  Just be relaxed and in my own space.”  - Gayle