Benefits of Pellowah energy healing

Pellowah connects you with your higher self.

You may experience a new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life.

The healing effects of Pellowah are a fantastic by-product of this "Shift in Consciousness".

I often get calls from clients a month after our sessions, with excited clients recounting their progress and the positive changes that have taken place since their treatment.

Pellowah gives you what you need

Clients can experience:

  • increased capacity for positive change

  • the courage to take charge of their life

  • a new and expanded perspective of the world

  • a new lightness and sense of well-being that grows over time

  • a stronger connection to Source/The Divine

  • blocks cleared, enabling clearer guidance

  • increased intuition

  • realignment of the body meridians

  • improved balance and calming of emotions

  • an incredible feeling of inner peace/clarity of mind

  • increase inner strength and confidence

  • overcome fear, self-doubt, anxiety and depression

  • connection with their higher-self

  • a sense of lightness, joy and euphoria

“l had a one hour session remotely with Nate. During the session I felt waves of energy flowing through my body. Afterwards l felt so calm and at peace.

I have never had the courage to buy a house and the weekend after the session l bought my first property. Thank you for a beautiful experience and for helping me fulfill a long held dream”

— Annie O

Ready for a new perspective?

Following a Pellowah session, clients open their eyes to a new perspective. It's like shifting the focus on a camera lens. Things that are unimportant shift out of focus, and there is a sharper awareness of the things that should be a priority in your life.