Must be talking to an angel

I saw an angel when I was 12 years old.

There! I said it. This is a story I have rarely told. It’s not a confession, but it feels like I’m “coming out”. It’s a story I can’t hide anymore because the time has come to share it with the world: yes - I saw an angel!

A vast, bright, white angel as tall as my room towered over me with massive wings. The angel glowed with light and filled me with a sense of love that I can remember and tap into today.

It wasn't a dream. I was wide awake. It was mid-afternoon, and I remember closing my eyes – and still seeing the angel. I could feel the rush of wind from its enormous wings too.

Open, shut, open, shut.

I've since learnt it was a visit from Archangel Metatron

Archangel Metatron was there with a symbol – a gift and a message – that I wasn't to decode until my journey started with Pellowah.

And as I look back at my life, I've put together the pieces of a story that feature encounters with angels every day. Including a self-portrait I created not long after my first angel encounter that revealed my wings … 20 years before I discovered they were real.

“A Nate story…”

Between then and now, life has thrown some major lessons my way. Dark times, turbulent times, break ups, hospital visits, day-to-day encounters with spirit and humans. Real-life experiences that you wouldn’t expect in 44 lifetimes, let alone one. These are stories my friends now call “a Nate story”: sometimes funny, sometimes traumatic, so absurd I’ve become famous for them within my inner circle - but have come back retold to me by people I’ve never met. Stories you would think I was making up. But they happened. To me. And I’m grateful. All of them have led me to here.

Yes - life hasn’t always been as easy as I make out with the disarming smile and laughter.

Through everything, that encounter gave me hope. It was the light at the end of the tunnel. To fight. To make good. To know I was strong enough to face the dark and break through to the light, a light I want to share with the world.

These other angelic stories have dotted my pathway, contributing to “my story” that will be explored in a future blog outlining my angelic timeline!

Teaser: how I discovered my angelic name - Arael. An angel encounter on my darkest day AND the moment my “wings clicked into place”.

Self-portrait of me showing my wings 20 years before I would discover they were real.

Those stories, extraordinary as they are, have become ordinary for me. Angels are part of my everyday life. I love interacting with them. And I love their constant reminder that we – all of us – are connected.

My journey with Pellowah has led me to find my wings.

I've spoken with Kachina Ma'an, founder of Pellowah about this. There is no guidebook, no roadmap on what to do with them. They are revealing themselves slowly. Like learning to ride a bike, my training wings have come off. They are permanently in place.

They spread wide, flap, and tuck in neatly when not needed. They never go away. They give me strength, bravery and protection. They just are.


I am an earth angel. Nine signs you could be too.