I am an earth angel. Nine signs you could be too.

Since discovering Pellowah, which means 'radical shift in consciousness', I have undergone just that: a huge awakening uncovering my life purpose and true nature as an Earth angel.

The steps leading up to my discovery that I am an Earth angel is a topic I have planned for a future blog. But it may be a question you have been grappling with yourself. Why are you here on Earth? What is your life purpose? Is there something more?

The answer is yes, there is. And if you are reading this, there’s every chance you could be an earth angel too.

What is an earth angel?

There are several types of Earth Angels but at their core, they are the supreme givers of the light-worker community.

Earth Angels are exactly that. Angels on earth.

Earth angels can be found anywhere, working their angelic magic in countless ways. They exist in all walks of life, at every age and at any stage. There’s one - me - even writing this blog!

While you may not know an earth angel by name, they are easily recognisable by their light. They shine with the same glorious light that connects us all to source.

Earth angels radiate love, healing, and nurturing energy from their heart chakras, and some, like me, have unfurled their ethereal wings reminding them of their angel lineage and helping them fulfil our mission on planet earth.

We are here to help.

If you are wondering if you might be an Earth Angel, here are some signs to look for:

  • You strongly desire to help others and make the world a better place. You may feel a calling to help people, animals, or the planet. Sometimes, you have no choice. It's in your angelic DNA.

  • You are highly sensitive to the needs and emotions of others. You may find yourself drawn to people in need and feel their pain as if it were your own. Because of this, you may also find you need "downtime" to recharge and reset. If you consider yourself an empath, that can be a strong indicator you may indeed be an earth angel.

  • You have a deep connection to nature and animals. You may feel more at peace when you are in nature, and you may feel a strong connection to animals. I say hello to every single creature I encounter during the day. Ants, bees, trees, plants, flowers, butterflies, lizards, spiders – yes, spiders. 

  • You understood and liked the movie Everything, everywhere, all at onceThis movie would have resonated strongly with you even if the theme of connection and unity was new to you. You instinctively know that everything is energy; everything is connected. If you have angel lineage, this knowledge comes naturally.

  • You have a strong intuition and may receive messages or guidance from the universe. In particular, angelic messages – you are, after all, connected as Earth Angel. You may feel the heavenly presence of the Archangels. You may notice the unexplained appearance of feathers where there was no feather before. You may also see angel numbers: 111, 222, 333 444 and more. Pay attention to 1111: the cosmic wildcard. It is highly potent and means you are in sync with the angels. You may also experience synchronicities, meaningful coincidences, or have a sense of knowing that something is about to happen.

  • You have a natural ability to heal and comfort others. You may have a calming presence, and people may feel better just being around you. You could also be drawn to healing, taking up healing modalities like Reiki or Pellowah.

  • You may not fit in with the rest of the world. A lot of Earth Angels feel "different". You don't quite fit in with the world around you and struggle to understand why people act like they do. That is until you find your soul tribe. Have faith you will find fellow earth angels or light workers. You will find a place where you belong. The good news is your differences don't feel so overwhelming once you better understand who you really are.

  • You have seen an angel. Archangel Metatron appeared to me when I was 12 and shared with me his symbol: metatron’s cube. Twenty-two years later, Archangel Michael spoke to me in the middle of the night, saying his name "Mik-cay-el" the way it was pronounced millennia ago. The magnitude of these encounters is not lost on me. But it can be challenging to talk about it without fear of people labelling you crazy. If you have seen an angel or have had experiences you can't explain, such as seeing spirits, or other supernatural beings, it could be a sign you are an earth angel. 

  • You can feel your wings! If you are an earth angel, you may or may not have experienced the sensation of having wings – yet. But once you do, you can't ignore it. They are like the air you breathe.

If you identify with these traits, you may be an Earth Angel.

Remember, however, that everyone can positively impact the world. You don't need to be an Earth Angel to make a difference.


How to unlock your creativity with Pellowah


Must be talking to an angel