How to unlock your creativity with Pellowah

If you are feeling "stuck" in your creative endeavours, whether that be writer's block, your art - or bringing creativity into your day-to-day life, read on to find out what Pellowah is and how it can help unlock your creative potential.

Firstly, what is Pellowah?

Pellowah helps people connect with their true selves and reach their full potential. It's an angelic term that means "radical shift in consciousness." Pellowah was first brought to the world by Kachina Ma'an, a spiritual teacher who channelled this new form of energy healing in 2003. 

Pellowah is a non-invasive, hands-off healing modality that works by tapping into a higher level of consciousness.

Pellowah energy is a higher vibration than other forms of energy work like reiki. That doesn't mean it's better or worse, just different, which means the benefits are different too.

Pellowah is my go-to when clients need to shift how they perceive themselves and the world around them. Pellowah is not based on any particular religion or belief system and is accessible to anyone open to receiving it.

How Pellowah can help with creativity

Creativity is an essential aspect of human existence. It allows us to express ourselves, explore our thoughts and emotions, and connect with the world in a unique way.

However, many people struggle to tap into their creative potential due to various factors such as stress, anxiety, self-doubt, and negative thought patterns.

Pellowah can help with creativity by addressing these underlying factors that may block a person's ability to create. Pellowah can help clear the mind of negative thoughts and emotions, promoting a sense of calm and inner peace. When the mind is calm and clear, tapping into our creative potential is easier.

Pellowah can also help enhance intuition and promote a sense of inner knowing. This can be particularly helpful for creative pursuits as it can help someone to trust their instincts and ideas, leading to more confident and inspired creations.

Moreover, Pellowah can help unlock a person's ability to think outside the box. Often, when we are stuck in a creative rut, it is because we limit ourselves to the ideas and thought patterns we are used to. Pellowah can help us break free from these limitations, encouraging us to explore new ideas and approaches.

How to receive Pellowah for creativity

The Pellowah energy is transmitted through the practitioner's hands and into the client's energy field. No physical touch is involved, and the client remains fully clothed throughout the session. Pellowah can also be performed remotely. It takes an hour, and the client must be somewhere quiet and without interruption.

During a Pellowah session, the client may experience a range of sensations, such as warmth, tingling, or a sense of calmness. These sensations are normal and indicate that the energy is flowing freely.

The number of sessions needed can vary depending on the individual's needs and goals. It could be one session, it could be a few. The beauty of Pellowah is the client will "know" when they need a Pellowah - it calls to you. 

How? If you're walking down the street and the word Pellowah pops in your head for no reason, that's what we call the Pellowah calling. A lot of clients have told me they've experienced this knowing. I have too. 

Tips for incorporating Pellowah into your creative practice

There are various ways to incorporate Pellowah and stillness into your creative practice to enhance your creativity. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Meditate before creating. Before starting your creative work, take some time to meditate or centre yourself. This can help clear your mind of any negative thoughts and allow you to connect with your intuition.

  2. Set an intention. Before receiving a Pellowah session, set an intention for what you want to achieve. 

  3. Remember who you are. After a Pellowah session, some clients report being able to "return" to the state they were in during and after a Pellowah session. The "thought" takes them back to the session, clearing the mind and unlocking their creativity and helping their connection to their beautiful imagination flow.

The best thing about a Pellowah session? It keeps working. After the session, the energy locks in and keeps working to clear your blockages, opening a space for you to tap into your creativity and share it with the world. 


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I am an earth angel. Nine signs you could be too.