The gifts from 7 Archangels meditation: a self-guided visualisation

This visualisation came to me during a meditation. If you’re interested in spending time getting to know angels, this self-guided visualisation is your perfect entry point into working with them. Simply put on some quiet music - or sit outdoors and let nature be your soundtrack - and work through this slowly.

Spend time with each angel until you FEEL their gifts. Show gratitude, be open, and carry the beauty and light from this experience with you into the world.

Hint: record this visualisation and listen to your own voice take you through each step.

3, 2, 1 and here we go:

Find a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and take a deep breath in through your nose, filling your lungs with fresh air. Hold your breath for a few seconds, then release it slowly through your mouth.

As you exhale, visualise yourself standing in front of a beautiful and majestic castle. The castle radiates a brilliant white light that glows all around you. You sense the presence of the seven archangels standing before you, waiting to meet you.

The first archangel who steps forward is Ariel.

She is known for her connection to the earth and all living things. Ariel gives you a small green crystal, which symbolizes your connection to nature and your ability to cultivate a deeper sense of groundedness in your life.

Feel your heart beating in time with the green crystal - the heartbeat of the earth.

The second archangel who appears before you is Azrael.

Azrael is known for his compassion and his ability to guide us through transitions in life. He gives you a small white feather, which symbolizes the gentle guidance and support that he provides during times of change.

Are you open to receiving messages from your spiritual helpers? Make a silent commitment to yourself to stay alert and look out for signs over the next few days.

The third archangel who approaches you is Chamuel.

Chamuel is known for his ability to help us find inner peace and love

He gives you a pink rose, which represents the love that surrounds you and the inner peace that can be found within.

Imagine the rose growing bigger and bigger. Now imagine it integrates into your heart.

When you are filled with inner peace. Move on.

The fourth archangel to appear is Gabriel.

Gabriel is known for his communication and guidance. He hands you a golden scroll, which represents the messages and guidance that he has for you.

Take a moment to unroll the scroll and read the messages that are meant just for you.

Sit with the message for a while until you are ready to continue. There is no time limit on this.

The fifth archangel to approach you is Jophiel.

Jophiel is known for his creativity and beauty. He gives you a beautiful crystal prism that reflects the light around you in a beautiful rainbow of colours. This prism represents your own creativity and your ability to see the beauty in all things.

What aspect of your life needs renewed creativity? Let Jophiel help you create a new vision for this part of your life.

The sixth archangel to step forward is Michael.

Michael is known for his protection and strength. He gives you a small blue shield, which represents your own ability to protect yourself from negative energies and to stand strong in the face of adversity.

Sit with the shield and feel its protection for a moment. Thank Archangel Michael when you are ready.

The final archangel to appear is Raphael.

Raphael is known for his healing powers. He places his hands on your shoulders, and you feel a warm, comforting energy flow through you.

He gives you a small vial of healing oil, which you can use to heal yourself and others in times of need.

Put the vial of healing oil in your spiritual pocket and know it is there for you when you need.

As you stand before these seven archangels, feel their energy and their love surrounding you.

Breathe it in. Feel it.

You are filled with a deep sense of purpose and clarity. Take a deep breath in, and slowly release it, knowing that you can call on these archangels whenever you need their guidance and support.

When you feel ready, slowly open your eyes, and take a moment to ground yourself in the present moment. Know that the energy and the love of the archangels will always be with you, guiding you on your path.

Spread pockets of random light in the world, earth angel..


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