What to expect in a Pellowah healing session

Every session is individual

A session typically lasts between 45 minutes to an hour. 

Pellowah is non-touch - it's covid safe!

It can be performed in person or remotely; either way, it is just as effective, although some clients prefer to see the Practitioner in person.

Clients may receive messages, hear things, see things, feel things or simply go to sleep for the duration of the session.

The energy continues to work for the following 24 hours on its own.

After the session

Because the energy download keeps working for 24 hours post-session, clients must also pay attention to any sensations they receive during this time.

It is recommended that clients drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol or drugs, apart from prescription medications, during this period.

After 24 hours and the energy session is completed, the Practitioner will follow up with the client to check in with them and answer any questions they have.

How many sessions do I need?

That’s completely up to you.

Some clients need one session. Others have regular sessions.

Pellowah calls to you when you need it, so if you’re here now, you’ve most likely had “the calling”. After your first Pellowah session, you’ll know when you need another one - there is no hard sell from the practitioner which is how you know you can trust it.

“Pellowah was incredible. I felt the buzz for weeks afterwards and felt more balanced and aligned with a higher level of clarity in my thinking.

It also cleared some emotional blockages I hadn’t realised were still buried and stalling my personal growth. I absolutely loved it and highly recommend Nate as a Pellowah practitioner.”

— Kerrie

Ready for a new perspective?

Following a Pellowah session, clients open their eyes to a new perspective. It's like shifting the focus on a camera lens. Things that are unimportant shift out of focus, and there is a sharper awareness of the things that should be a priority in your life.