Discover the transformative power of Arbah Healing - a powerful approach to improving auric health

Arbah Healing isn't just a treatment; it's a transformation. Ideal for those struggling with severe illnesses, mental anguish, or behavioural issues, this innovative technique reshapes your aura and life. By integrating a reenergised segment of your aura, Arbah Healing implants a new, positive blueprint, catalysing profound changes.

Arbah Healing, a ground-breaking method akin to an aura transplant, offers a unique pathway to wellness. This innovative technique involves delicately removing a segment of your aura, infusing it with positive, transformative energies, and seamlessly reintegrating it. This process implants a new, healthier blueprint within your aura, catalysing profound changes.

Ideal for tackling deep-seated issues, Arbah Healing has shown promising results in cases of mental illness, persistent negative thought patterns, ADHD, and other behavioural challenges. It's particularly effective for those grappling with panic attacks, depression, severe illnesses, mental anguish, and a spectrum of behavioural issues in children.

At the heart of Arbah Healing is the concept of working with your Spiritual DNA, a process channelled by Kachina Ma’an, the creator of the Pellowah Healing Technique. This method, conducted just once in a lifetime, aligns perfectly with Pellowah treatments to dissolve negative patterns and foster spiritual and personal growth.

Arbah Healing introduces a 'Plasma Current'—a neutral energy encoded with a blueprint for change—into your aura. This integration, unfolding over two weeks, initiates a transformation within, guiding you to rebuild your energy and personality based on this new, positive pattern.

Arbah Healing allows you to establish within the Aura the codes for change.  An Arbah Healing is used to instil certain energies into a person for overall results.  This is better than just infusing the energy into the Aura, as an infusion has been introduced artificially from outside sources and requires no effort from the recipient.  This usually does not last because the recipient has contributed nothing to the process to produce lasting change.

Arbah Healing is particularly beneficial when physical, mental, or emotional distress is prevalent. It targets and eradicates stubborn negative thought patterns, offering a fresh start. The process, similar to an organ transplant for the aura, involves a precise 'V' shaped incision made with Arbah energy. The extracted aura piece is then reenergized and reinserted, sealed back with Arbah energy. Success hinges on the recipient's commitment to self-growth, with noticeable changes serving as a sign of a successful intervention.

Choose Arbah Healing for a holistic approach to overcoming:

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • panic attacks

  • fears

  • phobias, and

  • negative patterns.

Embrace this unique opportunity for a profound and lasting change in your life.

Arbah, like Pellowah, can be conducted in person, or remotely.

How much does it cost: $80 (30 minutes)

Arbah Healing is a wonderful complimentary treatment followed by a Pellowah.

Special: Arbah healing + Pellowah: $175 (90 minutes)


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