Pellowah for pets: how your furry friends can benefit too

If you're anything like me, you treat your furry friends -and other pets - as part of the family. I have a beautiful bestie cat - Ollie - as well as two peach face lovebirds and a pond full of koi larger than my arms over 20 years old. They are family. And like any caring family member, you want the best for them in every way — physically, emotionally, and yes, even spiritually. That's why I'm diving paws-first into the wonderful world of #PellowahForPets today.

What is Pellowah?

Let's start with the basics for those new to this spiritual soiree. Pellowah is an energy healing technique that originated in Australia. Unlike other forms of energy healing, such as Reiki, Pellowah focuses on treating the mind and spirit rather than just the body. It aims to shift your energy levels to encourage spiritual growth and emotional well-being, and guess what? Your pets can totally benefit from it, too!

Emotional well-being in pets

Just like us, our pets can have emotional ups and downs. They get stressed and anxious and can even experience depression. Maybe they freak out during thunderstorms or have been a bit down since a new fur baby joined the family. Whatever the issue, emotional imbalance in our pets is a genuine concern. Enter Pellowah!

How does Pellowah work for pets?

When applying Pellowah to your pets, the process is similar to how it works with humans. The practitioner directs energy through their hands, which might hover over the pet or gently touch them. Don't worry, it's non-invasive, and most animals find it relaxing. Who doesn't enjoy divine energy pampering? My experience is animals have a stronger sense of energy than most humans, so they are open and willing to connect to this beautiful energy that connects straight to source.

Benefits of Pellowah for pets

  1. Reducing Anxiety: Got a jittery Jack Russell or a nervous kitty? Pellowah helps soothe anxious vibes and restore a sense of calm.

  2. Improving Adaptability: If your pet struggles with change (like moving homes or a new family member), Pellowah can help make the transition smoother.

  3. Physical Healing: While Pellowah mainly focuses on emotional and spiritual well-being, many pet owners also notice improvements in physical ailments. It's a win-win if you ask me!

  4. Deepening Your Bond: By sharing a Pellowah session with your pet, you're promoting their well-being and strengthening the emotional bond between you.

  5. Connecting to Higher Frequencies: Pets have spiritual lives too! Have you ever seen a dog barking or staring at the corner of a room? It's usually because your pet senses a presence - like a past loved one or guardian angel. Pellowah can help your furry friend tune into higher frequencies, enriching their inner lives.

A personal story

Remember when I mentioned that Pellowah could be done from a distance? I tried a remote session for my cat, Ollie, who was going through a rough patch when I was away for a month travelling Europe. He was lethargic and just not himself. After a 20-minute remote Pellowah session, not only did Ollie perk up, but my cat-sitter reported that he was back to his playful, joyful self. He was even up for cuddles, a rarity for me!

Ollie and me!

Some tips to get you started

  1. Find a Certified Practitioner: Like me! Any Pellowah practitioner can perform a Pellowah session on your pet.

  2. Start with a Short Session: Pets have smaller energy fields, so they might not need as long a session as humans would.

  3. Observe Your Pet: Watch for changes in their behaviour or mood. You'll likely notice subtle shifts that become more apparent with time.

  4. Trust Your Instincts: You know your pet better than anyone. If they'd benefit from a session, give it a go!

So, are you ready to introduce your furry friend to the wonders of Pellowah? I bet they'll thank you in their own adorable way — be it a wagging tail, a cheerful chirp, or a loving purr.

Remember, the love we share with our pets isn't just a physical or emotional connection; it's a spiritual one too. Offering them the gift of Pellowah is like sharing a piece of spiritual nourishment, which might make their tails wag a little higher.


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