Four benefits of the Umana Technique ©

Are you ready to transform your life and access the extraordinary potential dormant within you? The Umana Technique© is a revolutionary method channelled by Kachina Ma’an, the founder and guardian of Pellowah Energy Healing.

The Umana technique was first channelled to Kachina in 2023 and taught to students in 2024. I was part of the inaugural practitioner training in March 2023, and its incredible power has already been life-changing.

The Umana Technique© works by activating a unique meridian system within the body, activating our higher chakras numbered 8 through 12.

Working with these higher energy centres can awaken extraordinary spiritual abilities, promoting your evolutionary journey profoundly.

So what does this mean?

There is so much we don’t know yet about the Umana technique, which is exciting because the possibilities of what this new type of technique can bring to mankind are a surprise. But here are four benefits we already know about.

You may experience all or some of these after a Umana session as you embark on a transformative journey of growth, healing, and self-discovery.

#1: Activate dormant abilities and talents from past lives

Many cultures worldwide embrace the concept of reincarnation—that the soul lives on beyond one physical incarnation. The Umana Technique© leans into the idea that within our souls lies an imprint of knowledge, experiences, and skills we've acquired over multiple lifetimes. Often, these talents remain hidden within our subconscious, unable to fully manifest in our current reality.

The Umana Technique© unlocks the door to these past lives. As you tap into these soul memories, abilities you may have previously never known emerge – talents in arts, healing, communication, leadership, or other unexpected areas. Imagine the thrill of discovering an innate understanding of complex concepts you haven't formally learned in this lifetime.

#2: Access higher states of consciousness

Our day-to-day existence is often bound within the limits of our physical senses and rational mind. However, the Umana Technique© can help us access dimensions of reality beyond what we normally perceive.

These transcendent experiences can shatter any self-imposed boundaries, leading you to perceive the interconnectedness of all beings and the boundless nature of the universe. This expanded awareness profoundly alters your perspective on your very existence and the world around you.

#3: Facilitate deep healing on all levels

True healing encompasses not just the physical body but also our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. The Umana Technique© works on the principle that imbalances or traumas experienced in this life—or potentially carried over from previous ones—manifest as blockages in our energetic system.

The gentle practices of this technique target these blockages, releasing trapped energy and restoring the natural flow of vitality throughout your being. Following a session undergoing the Umana Technique©, you may experience an emotional release, relief from long-held mental patterns, and a newfound sense of spiritual peace. As your body, mind, and spirit align, you may even experience improvements in your physical health.

Benefit #4: Promote overall well-being and personal growth

The Umana Technique© is a process of profound inner transformation. As you shed blocks and tap into your multidimensional nature, you open yourself to accelerated personal growth. Increased clarity and purpose replace confusion, while a deep sense of peace and fulfilment suffuses your life.

Ready to Begin?

If you resonate with this technique, it may be a sign that your soul is ready for this profound transformation. Contact me to embark on a journey toward unlocking your limitless potential.


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