Beyond science: understanding energy healing for spiritual growth

The world is filled with invisible radio waves. You can't see them, but they're everywhere, carrying information like music or pictures. Different radio stations broadcast on different frequencies, and your radio needs to be tuned to the right one to pick up the signal.

Energy is similar. It's all around us in different forms, invisible to the naked eye.

Energy is everywhere

We can see some of its effects, like sunlight warming our skin or a fire burning. But there are many other types of energy, like radio waves, microwaves, and even the tiny vibrations in the air that make up sound.

Reiki, Pellowah Energy Healing, and the Umana Technique are like special tuners for this unseen energy.

They may not be scientific instruments, but they are ways to focus our awareness on specific types of energy that are already present. Just like tuning a radio dial, these techniques may help us become more sensitive to the subtle energies surrounding us.

Here's an analogy: Imagine the ocean. The water is always there, but surfers need to learn how to catch waves. Pellowah, Reiki, and the Umana technique could be like learning to sense and ride the waves of energy that are always present.

Now, while traditional science doesn't currently recognise Pellowah Energy Healing or the Umana Technique as proven methods, that doesn't mean they aren’t real.

It’s just something that can’t be measured by instruments or fits within limitations of our current scientific frameworks.

However, the idea that we can interact with unseen energies is a fascinating one, and these techniques can be a way for people to explore their own sensitivity and connection to the world around them.

What’s even more exciting is that when you explore energy work – and experience it – yourself with an open mind, you begin to trust and know.

Then… have that mind-blowing a-ha moment when you connect with the universal, source, or whatever you want to call it and experience profound understanding. Then you know.

When we talk about "discovering" energy, there are two possibilities:

  • New Forms of Energy
    Scientists are unlikely to discover fundamentally new forms of energy within the framework of our current understanding of physics.  The types of energy we know about (kinetic, potential, thermal, electromagnetic, etc.) are well-established. But outside those frameworks, there is a lot still to be discovered. When you look back 500 years and compare that to now, what we knew then and what we know now is vastly different. If you think we know it all now… then you may as well stop reading this now.

  • New Manifestations of Known Energy
    However, we constantly discover new ways existing types of energy manifest in the universe.  Here are some examples that might fit the idea of "recently discovered:

  • Dark Energy: This mysterious force makes up a significant portion of the universe, and we still know very little about its nature or source. It was discovered through observations of the accelerating expansion of the universe in the late 1990s.

  • Exotic Particles and Fields: Particle physics continues to find new particles and proposes new forces or fields that may exist. These could represent new ways that energy interacts with matter.

  • Zero-Point Energy: This is a theoretical concept of energy that exists in the vacuum of space. Though the idea has been around for a while, harnessing it remains purely speculative.

  • Energy Concepts from Spirituality: Practices based on spiritual traditions often speak of energies like prana, chi, or lifeforce. These aren't forms of energy recognized by science, but they represent ways people have conceptualised subtle forces for centuries.

So yes, it’s important to differentiate between exciting scientific discoveries with ongoing research and concepts lacking scientific validation.

And remember, as our understanding of physics grows and those frameworks shift, humanity will make scientific breakthroughs that add to what we already know, potentially revealing new aspects of energy and its behaviour.

Extending the idea: spiritual perspectives on the cosmos

From a spiritual perspective, events like a solar eclipse hold immense power. The momentary alignment of celestial bodies can shift the very fabric of energy. Some people believe that during these special times, the veil between the physical and spiritual world becomes thinner.

The power within and the coming shift

Each one of us holds the potential to tap into the vast flow of energy in our own unique ways. Through meditation, mindfulness, or creative expression, we can become our own radio receivers, attuned to the subtle frequencies of the universe. As we stand at the cusp of the Age of Aquarius, with the potent energy of the solar eclipse on April 8th, a vast shift is upon us. Light codes, light language, downloads, and integrations are all ways in which we may receive and process this profound transformation.

Are you ready to explore your inner connection to this cosmic energy?

Join me for a special Gold / Solar Eclipse Meditation on Facebook Live on Monday, April 8 at 7.30pm (AEST) for part three of the Bronze, Silver, Gold meditation series I’ve collaborated on with Harmony for Tranquility and Celtic Tarot. Together, let's tap into the transformative power of this celestial event and awaken our spirits toward a new era.


Pellowah or Umana Technique or Reiki? Your guide to spiritual transformation


Four benefits of the Umana Technique ©