Pellowah or Umana Technique or Reiki? Your guide to spiritual transformation

Rapid growth. Healing. Better health. Rejuvination. Rest, Expansion. Are you seeking deeper spiritual connection and accelerated personal growth? Energy healing modalities like Pellowah Energy Healing©, the Umana Technique© and Reiki offer transformative pathways, available both remotely and in-person for your convenience. Let's delve into the nuances of each and uncover which might resonate most with your journey.

Pellowah for consciousness expansion

Pellowah is an energy healing system that places profound emphasis on spiritual development and awakening. It was channelled by Kachina Ma’an in 2003 and is taught and used worldwide. Its fundamental principle is that by expanding your awareness and understanding, you naturally unlock deep, transformative shifts. Are you ready for a radical shift in consciousness?

I was introduced to Pellowah in 2017 and it changed my life.

  • Focus: Pellowah targets spiritual enlightenment by helping you shift your consciousness to higher levels.

  • Techniques: Pellowah practitioners channel high-vibrational energy non-invasively. These techniques promote significant shifts in perspective that often lead to personal growth and positive life changes.

  • Benefits: Clients frequently report feeling greater inner peace, enhanced clarity, a deeper connection to their inner wisdom, and an increased ability to manifest their desires.

Umana Technique© to unlock your spiritual potential

The Umana Technique© is a powerful modality channelled by Kachina Ma'an in 2023. It focuses on activating a unique meridian system, including higher chakras, to fuel profound spiritual growth. I had the privilege of being part of the inaugural Umana Technique training – it's incredible!

  • Focus: Umana aims to awaken extraordinary spiritual abilities, expand your consciousness, and advance your evolutionary journey.

  • Techniques: Practitioners direct Umana energy to open and activate higher energy centres (chakras 8 through 12) to access dormant skills, wisdom, and profound states of awareness.

  • Benefits: Reactivating past-life abilities, accessing higher consciousness, facilitating holistic healing on multiple levels, and promoting overall well-being and personal evolution are all potential benefits.

Which path calls to you?

The optimal path depends on your current inclinations:

  • Prioritise consciousness expansion: If your primary quest is expanding consciousness, deepening self-understanding, and attaining a higher state of being, Pellowah might be a perfect fit.

  • Accelerate your spiritual evolution: If you long to ignite your spiritual abilities, tap into greater dimensions of reality, and propel your evolutionary progress, the Umana Technique© offers a potent avenue.

  • Combining the best: Many discover incredible synergy by combining Pellowah and Umana. This can create a holistic path for healing and spiritual transformation.

So… what about Reiki?

Reiki is a well-known Japanese energy healing technique focused on stress reduction, relaxation, and promoting the body's natural healing abilities.

I trained in Reiki 1 in 1996. I was in my senior year at high school. The next year, I was certified in Reiki level 2 and in 2023, I was “accidentally” attuned to Level 3.

I call myself the accidental Reiki master, and from what I know of the Universe and how it works, this accidental attunement was indeed the universe calling me into this line of work.

  • Focus: Reiki primarily addresses imbalances in the physical and emotional energy systems, often resulting in greater well-being.

  • Techniques: Reiki practitioners channel universal life force energy through gentle touch to encourage energy flow within a client's body.

  • Benefits: Clients frequently experience reduced stress, deep relaxation, pain relief, and an overall sense of peace.

Experience transformation – remotely or in-person in Sydney

Whether you prefer remote sessions or in-person experiences in Sydney, these modalities offer flexibility to suit your needs. Here's a quick comparison to help guide your decision:

  • Spiritual enlightenment is top priority: Pellowah would likely be a strong choice.

  • Unlocking spiritual gifts and deeper awareness: Umana Technique offers a compelling path.

  • Stress relief, relaxation, and physical support: Reiki can be a wonderful starting point for many.

  • Holistic impact: Individuals often benefit from blending Reiki with Pellowah or Umana for comprehensive healing and growth.

Essential considerations

  • The right practitioner: Finding a qualified practitioner with whom you connect is vital for any modality.

  • Openness is key: Be prepared to engage fully for the greatest benefit.

  • Intuition is your guide: Learn about each technique and let your inner knowing guide you toward the path that aligns best with your goals.

Your transformation starts here

Embracing energy healing, whether through Pellowah, Umana, Reiki, or a combination, is a courageous step toward profound personal growth. Discover the transformative power of these modalities, remotely or in Sydney, and unlock your highest potential!


Are you ready to co-create amazing experiences with the universe?


Beyond science: understanding energy healing for spiritual growth