Are you ready to co-create amazing experiences with the universe?

Imagine the Universe as a boundless river of energy, constantly flowing and swirling with infinite potential. What if you could learn to navigate these currents, to align yourself with the experiences your soul desires?

The feeling of awe we experience gazing at the cosmos hints at a greater truth: we are intricately woven into the fabric of the Universe, capable of co-creating a life that reflects its limitless wonder.

Happiness is a Choice

True happiness isn't dependent on external circumstances – it's a conscious choice we make each day. By choosing to focus on gratitude, joy, and the present moment, we shift our perspective and naturally attract experiences that resonate with these positive emotions. The beauty is, we can find extraordinary moments within the seemingly ordinary. The warmth of the sun on your face, the shared laughter with a loved one, the vibrant colours of a flower in bloom – all hold a touch of magic if we choose to see it.

A Journey of Transformation

I recall a client named Sarah, who came to me feeling disconnected and yearning for deeper meaning. Through a combination of healing techniques like Reiki and Past Life Assimilation, she began to cultivate a greater awareness of her own energetic state.

A remarkable shift occurred as Sarah learned to release blockages and harmonise her inner flow. Opportunities materialised, relationships deepened, and her life overflowed with newfound joy and purpose.

I used to have this rigid plan for my life, but I was getting so frustrated when things didn’t work out. Learning to let go and trust opened up possibilities I could never have imagined for myself. It’s like the Universe is constantly whispering, ‘I’ve got something even better for you!’
— Sarah

Sarah's story is proof: when we open ourselves to the Universe's incredible potential, we become powerful co-creators of our own reality.

Expanding the "How"

How do we cultivate this openness and invite the Universe to amaze us? Here's where your own journey of conscious creation begins:

  • Letting Go of Expectations: When we're rigidly attached to specific outcomes, we limit the Universe's ability to surprise us. Releasing control doesn't mean giving up on your dreams, it means trusting that there might be an even better path unfolding for you.

  • The Power of Questions: The Universe responds to our energy, so the questions we ask become our compass. Instead of focusing on lack or limitations, ask open-ended questions like, "What wonderful possibilities are waiting to be revealed?" or "How can I serve my highest purpose and experience profound joy?" or “What is the question I need answered?”

  • Harmonise Your Flow: Our emotions and thoughts carry a vibrational frequency. When we focus on gratitude, open-heartedness, and joyful anticipation, we attract experiences that resonate with these higher vibrations. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing modalities can all help cultivate a state of inner harmony.

What’s in your spiritual toolkit

I’ve spent years exploring and working on building my spiritual toolkit. These tools are all about growth and moving forward. When you are moving forward, not stationary or stuck in a rut, THAT is when the universe can amaze you in a way that you can’t imagine.

The services I offer are catalysts for profound transformation. Here’s how they can help you:

  • Pellowah Energy Healing: Unlock expanded awareness, foster deep inner peace, and enhance your natural energetic flow.

  • Past life assimilation: A blockage from a past life could be holding you back in this one. The Past Life Assimilation Technique works to dissolve past life baggage by accessing and understanding your past life memories, clearing them, and opening the door.

  • Angel connections: Receive guidance and clarity from the angelic realm, illuminating your path.

  • Soul to Source Readings: Tap into your soul's wisdom for direction, healing past wounds, and a profound sense of fulfilment.

Make the choice

The choice to be happy and open to working with the universe so you can wake up each day with a fresh perspective, and open heart and mind.

Are you ready to say YES to the wonders the Universe has in store?

Don't wait for amazement to find you – step into your role as a conscious co-creator!

If you're eager to dance with the Universe's infinite potential and let your true brilliance shine, book a session with me. Let's explore together the incredible possibilities that await you!


The Light Walk challenge: connect with angels, get healthy and grow your wings


Pellowah or Umana Technique or Reiki? Your guide to spiritual transformation