The March 2025 equinox: a mission of light to raise consciousness

What if one moment could change the course of our collective future? Kachina Ma’an, founder of Pellowah and the Umana Technique has tasked us with a challenge in the lead-up to the March equinox in 2025— to spread hundreds of seeds of light all across the globe.

The equinox, March 20, 2025 at 8.01pm AEST is a moment where we all have the chance to shape the future. Curious about what this could mean for you and the world?

Here’s what our task is - and how you can join us in spreading light in the world.

Earlier this month, I had the privilege of hosting two workshops for Kachina Ma’an—5 Steps to Living Your Full Potential and The Umana Technique in Brisbane. During these sessions, Kachina shared some insights into what’s coming up energetically – and how we can contribute positively as individuals to raising consciousness.

At the workshops, Kachina spoke about importance of the March equinox in 2025, not just as another date on the calendar, but as a crucial moment for all of us. According to her, this equinox is when we, as a collective, get to decide the direction our consciousness and the world will take.

It’s a date that spirit told her about back in the 80s. At the time, Kachina didn’t give it much thought.. but as things work in the world, here we are, with the March 2025 equinox fast approaching!

Kachina didn’t just offer insight—she tasked us with a mission. This equinox, she said, isn’t merely a cosmic event; it’s an opportunity, a call to action. We have the chance to actively shape the future, to choose light and elevate our collective awareness. Ancient teachings, like those from the Mayan Codex and Hopi Stone, align with this idea, marking 2025 as a significant turning point. It’s a time to step up and help steer humanity toward a brighter, more enlightened era.

The power of the equinox

We’ve always understood that equinoxes carry a certain energy—a balance between light and dark, day and night. But the March equinox in 2025 is more than that. Kachina described it as a peak moment, where the energy is ripe for real change. It’s as if the universe is giving us a moment to pause, reflect, and step into our full potential.

The power of one

What stands out is that this mission doesn’t need a massive crowd. The idea Kachina shared is that even a small percentage of people holding the light can make a huge difference.

Just one person in every 400,000, grounded in light, could tip the balance. It’s a reminder that we have power, even when we might feel like our efforts are just a drop in the ocean.

Planting seeds of light

As part of this mission, Kachina suggested we plant “seeds of light” around the world. These aren’t just symbolic gestures—they’re metal medallions with sacred symbols like the Flower of Life or Tree of Life. You plant these medallions, and at the equinox, they’re believed to activate, sending out light and amplifying the collective intentions we’ve set.

How you can help

Here’s how you can be part of this mission:

  1. Get a medallion: Find one with a symbol that resonates with you. You can order them on temu or other similar website.

  2. Choose a spot: Pick a location that feels right to you—your backyard, a favourite spot, or somewhere that just calls to you.

  3. Set your intention: Before you plant it, focus on your intent - planting a “seed of light” to be activated at the equinox.

  4. Plant the seed: Bury it securely so it stays in place, hidden, until the equinox.. we want to seed hundreds of seeds of light all across the globe. As many as possible!

  5. Wait and shine! At March 20, 2025 at 8.01pm AEST the seeds of light will germinate! An explosion of light all around the word wherever they are planted! Your work, and this moment will combine to brighten the world and help raise consciousness at this most important time. The energy you infuse into this activity will be a vital contribution to what happens next in terms of our future. The universe thanks you in advance.

Examples of the metal representations of the "Seed of Light" to plant. I wear this necklace every day...

A global illumination

Picture this: on the March equinox of 2025, these seeds of light activating across the globe. A wave of light spreads worldwide, uplifting people and guiding us towards a better future. This isn’t just a nice idea—it’s something real, something we can make happen together. By planting a medallion, you’re stepping up and participating in this global mission to create positive change.

Extending the mission of light to yourself

So… Kachina Ma’an has given us a task, a mission to carry forward into this new era. Her message is clear: we all have a role to play. Let’s take that step, plant our seeds of light, and see where it leads. Together, we can help shape a future that’s brighter for everyone. But what about yourself?

How can YOU be the light too. Well, if you are reading this you already are.

Work with me to shine brighter.

I know there will be a lot of questions about this… Kachina will be sharing more details about this soon and I will update this page as I know more.


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