Light Walk: how to walk with angels

Want to connect with angels? Get fit? Move forward? Grow? Start your day with a Light Walk to connect with universal energy, elevate your day and get to know your guardian angel and the archangels.

Have you ever considered starting your day with a light walk? This simple practice has many benefits that can uplift your spirit, improve your health, and help you feel lighter in more ways than one. Let’s dive into why a light walk can be a game-changer for you, how to start, and what to expect.

The Benefits of a Light Walk

A light walk isn’t just about moving your body; it’s a well-rounded approach to well-being. Here’s why you should consider making it a daily habit:

  • Get Moving and Get Healthy: Walking is a fantastic way to stay active. It’s gentle on your joints and helps improve cardiovascular health. Plus, the more you move, the lighter you’ll feel physically and mentally.

  • Connect with the Angels: During your light walk, you have the opportunity to invite angels to join you. This spiritual connection can bring comfort, guidance, and a sense of companionship.

  • Connect with Yourself: Walking allows for introspection and self-connection. It’s a chance to check in with yourself, clear your mind, and set positive intentions for the day.

  • Disconnect from Technology: Leave your phone at home. The only tech you’ll need is a Fitbit or watch to track your steps. This break from screens can refresh your mind and help you be more present.

The Best Time for a Light Walk

While you can take a light walk at any time of the day, early morning holds a special magic. It’s quiet and serene, and it's the perfect time to align with the fresh energy of a new day.

Personally, I make it a priority before even feeding my cat, Ollie!

How to Start Your Light Walk

Here’s a simple guide to begin your light walk:

  1. Prepare Yourself: Stand outside in nature or a quiet place. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

  2. Invite an Angel: Say out loud (or whisper if you prefer), “Archangel [Name], join me today for my light walk.” Wait a moment and feel the energy shift. It might be subtle initially, but you’ll recognise the presence more clearly with time.

    Choose any archangel you like - see the list below to help you choose or pick an archangel that’s not on the list

  3. Set your intention: Ask the angel to walk and spend the day with you before you start. This intention sets the tone for a connected and insightful experience.

  4. Walk!
    If you have pets you need to walk - take them with you. If you can’t walk, just find a space or place to spend 15 minutes with the angel. And, most importantly, it’s safety first. Take your phone if you need to, but don’t look at it or use it while you’re Light Walking. Finally, just give it a go, no excuses - just results.

Questions to Ask

To deepen your connection, ask open-ended questions like:

  • “What is the question I need answered?”

  • “What do I need to do today?”

  • “What does my soul want?”

Keep your questions broad to allow unlimited, unfiltered information to come through. Each angel communicates differently; you might feel a physical sensation, see a visual sign, or hear a repeating phrase.

For example, Zadkiel pulls on my little finger while Gabriel makes the back right of my head tingle.

What to Expect

When you embark on a light walk, having no expectations is important.

Trust that the angel you invite will be with you, even if you don’t feel their presence immediately. Angels are omnipresent, capable of being in multiple places simultaneously, so know that your call is always heard.

Surprise! Sometimes, an extra angel will join you. Those times are pretty special as you hear or feel the angels communicating with each other - and you.

How Angels Communicate

Angels might send you signs in various ways:

  • Repeated phrases in your mind

  • Visual signs like birds, numbers, or specific objects

  • Songs that resonate with your thoughts

  • Physical sensations or sudden intuitive knowledge

If You Don’t Receive Any Messages

You do! But sometimes you won't know it until later. Walking with an angel inherently raises your vibration, which is beneficial in itself. If you catch yourself reliving past events or imagining future scenarios, gently bring your focus back to the present moment.

Choosing an Archangel

Here’s a simple list to start with, including their associated colours and reasons why you might connect with them. It’s the order I started when I was guided to doing these.

Chamuel (Pink)

  • Helps you find inner peace and unconditional love.

  • Assists in finding lost items or people.

  • Promotes self-love and compassion.

Zadkiel (Violet)

  • Aids in forgiveness and letting go of past hurts.

  • Enhances memory and mental clarity.

  • Supports emotional healing and transformation.

Raziel (Rainbow)

  • Unveils divine mysteries and deep spiritual insights.

  • Helps you understand esoteric knowledge.

  • Supports your journey of spiritual awakening.

Sandalphon (Turquoise)

  • Delivers prayers to heaven and assists in manifesting desires.

  • Connects you with music and the healing power of sound.

  • Grounds your spiritual energy into the physical realm.

Gabriel (Copper)

  • Aids in communication and self-expression.

  • Helps with new beginnings and creative projects.

  • Provides strength and guidance during transitions.

Haniel (Blue)

  • Enhances intuition and psychic abilities.

  • Promotes joy, harmony, and grace.

  • Assists in balancing emotions and cycles.

Jophiel (Yellow)

  • Inspires creativity and beautiful thoughts.

  • Helps you see the beauty in yourself and the world.

  • Assists in decluttering your mind and environment.

Raphael (Green)

  • Heals physical ailments and emotional wounds.

  • Protects travellers and promotes safe journeys.

  • Supports overall health and well-being.

Uriel (Red/Gold)

  • Illuminates your mind with wisdom and ideas.

  • Helps solve problems and find solutions.

  • Provides grounding and stability during crises.

Raguel (Pale blue)

  • Restores harmony in relationships and resolves conflicts.

  • Encourages fairness and justice.

  • Supports you in standing up for yourself and others.

Azrael (Purple)

  • Comforts those who are grieving and in mourning.

  • Guides souls to the afterlife and supports transitions.

  • Helps you release fear and embrace change.

Michael (Blue)

  • Provides protection and courage.

  • Cuts away negative energies and attachments.

  • Strengthens your willpower and determination.

Metatron (Gold)

  • Assists in spiritual development and ascension.

  • Helps you understand and utilise sacred geometry.

  • Supports children and those with special needs.

Want to know more about a particular archangel? Start exploring!

Ending Your Walk

As you conclude your walk, thank the angel for accompanying you and ask them to stay with you throughout the day. Keeping a journal can help you track any messages, colours, or sensations you experience, aiding your spiritual growth.

Got questions? Please ask me…


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The Light Walk challenge: connect with angels, get healthy and grow your wings