Archangel Gabriel

My experience with Gabriel…

Gabriel’s first message was “think bigger”, prompting me to let go of the limitations I put on myself through ingrained beliefs and my “situation”. And when I think outside the box - or bigger, I am reminded to “think bigger” again. Gabriel fills me with inspiration and unlimited possibilities. Did I ever see myself teaching people about connecting to the angels? No… but here I am, and I can feel Gabriel tapping my head. That’s when I knew we were communicating

Gabriel is depicted as both male and female, most often appearing to me as a strong, copper and bronze-coloured energy. Remember, angels have no gender; the way they appear to us reflects more on what we need to see rather than their true form, which is a high vibrational energy.

Gabriel sometimes appears with a strong feminine energy, sometimes masculine, sometimes, it’s just Gabriel. Whatever way Gabriel appears, there a sturdy and strong feeling. Gabriel helps ground me.

Energy Feels Like

Gabriel’s energy is often described as clear, invigorating, and inspiring action. It can feel like a sudden burst of clarity, motivation, or assistance breaking through procrastination. Imagine a refreshing breeze that clears away confusion and brings a sense of purpose and direction.

Call on Gabriel for:

  • Enhancing communication and self-expression

  • Finding inspiration for creative projects

  • Receiving divine messages and guidance

  • Gaining clarity and motivation to take action

  • Overcoming procrastination and creative blocks

  • Strengthening your ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas

  • Support in childbirth and parenting

  • Guidance in expressing your truth authentically

  • Encouragement to pursue your artistic passions

  • Clarity in important conversations and decisions

  • Assistance in writing, speaking, and other communication-related tasks

  • Enhancing your ability to receive and understand spiritual insights

Traditional Roles

Gabriel means “strengthg of God”. Gabriel is one of the most well-known archangels, often associated with communication, messengers, creativity, and childbirth. She is seen as a bringer of divine messages and a guide for expressing one's truth. Gabriel’s presence can help you find clarity in your communication and tap into your creative potential.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Copper, Orange
    These vibrant colours represent Gabriel’s energy of creativity, communication, and the spark of divine inspiration.

  • Numbers: 4
    The number 4 symbolises stability, foundation, and the manifestation of creative ideas into reality. It encourages you to build a solid base for your creative pursuits.

  • Symbols: Trumpet, Lily, Scroll or Writing Implements
    These symbols highlight Gabriel’s role as a messenger and patron of communication. They remind you to express your truth and creativity with clarity and confidence.


  • Blue topaz, Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz


  • Water

Stories & Symbolism

Gabriel is prominently featured in various religious texts, often delivering important messages from the Divine. In Christianity, Gabriel is the angel who announces the birth of Jesus to Mary, highlighting his role as a divine messenger.

He is also seen as a patron for writers, journalists, and anyone in communication. Gabriel’s stories often involve moments of revelation and inspiration, encouraging individuals to share their unique voice and creative gifts with the world.

Simple Practices

  • Divine Message Meditation:
    Find a quiet space and ask Gabriel to help you tap into divine guidance and clarity. Pay attention to thoughts, feelings, or signs that arise afterwards. This practice can help you receive messages and insights from the divine.

  • Clarity on Expression:
    If you struggle to communicate, ask Gabriel for help finding the right words. Visualise their light clearing confusion and allowing your truth to flow. This can be especially helpful in important conversations or creative projects.

  • Support for Creative Projects:
    When beginning a creative endeavour, ask for Gabriel’s inspiration and guidance. Focus on the process and flow of expressing yourself rather than the result. Gabriel’s energy can help you stay motivated and inspired throughout your creative journey.

