Archangel Zadkiel

My experience with Zadkiel…

Zadkiel was the second angel I was introduced to on one of my Light Walks.

Zadkiel’s energy was so strong I couldn’t miss it. I see Zadkiel as a swirling wind of purple flame, clearing away any negative ties or hooks attached to me. This image captures how I feel his presence.

Working with Zadkiel has been life-changing. I’ve become much better at forgiving myself and others. Breaking these energetic ties has eliminated the heavy burdens that once held me back. It feels like he clears the fog that used to cloud my mind, allowing me to live fully in the present moment.

Forgiveness brings a sense of freedom that is truly amazing. With Zadkiel’s help, I’ve found soul freedom and unexpected joy by letting go of limiting beliefs. This freedom allows me to focus on my soul’s journey and the lessons I’m here to learn, embracing life with a lighter heart and clearer mind.

Letting go of things I used to hold on to has given me a fresh outlook on life. I’ve learned to look forward to the light while fully present in the here and now. Whenever I need to move forward, I call on Zadkiel. His energy gives me the push to let go of the past and embrace the future with open arms.

My journey with Zadkiel is all about forgiveness and the freedom and joy that come from releasing what no longer serves us. This path helps us fulfil our soul's purpose and navigate our life lessons

Energy Feels Like

Zadkiel’s energy is often described as soothing, gentle, and deeply compassionate. His presence brings a sense of emotional relief and encourages a shift towards kindness and understanding. Imagine a warm, comforting purple light enveloping you, helping you release any grudges or negative emotions.

Call on Zadkiel for:

  • Releasing past hurts and embracing forgiveness

  • Healing emotional wounds and finding peace

  • Cultivating compassion and empathy for others

  • Transforming negative emotions into positive energy

  • Help understanding in difficult situations

  • Enhancing your ability to forgive yourself and others

  • Finding emotional relief and clarity

  • Promoting acts of kindness and benevolence

  • Strengthening your connection to the Violet Flame

  • Encouraging a shift towards love and understanding

  • Support in letting go of grudges and resentment

  • Guidance in embracing a more compassionate perspective

Traditional Roles

Archangel Zadkiel is known as the angel of mercy, forgiveness, and benevolence. He is often called upon to help with issues related to compassion, emotional healing, and letting go of past hurts. Zadkiel's energy encourages you to open your heart and embrace forgiveness for yourself and others.

Chamuel means “righteousness of God”.

When I use the term 'God,' I'm not talking about a specific religious figure. Instead, I'm referring to the universal source of all creation, the energy that connects everything in existence. I see our connection coming to source as the Universe, Source Energy or the Divine. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the same thing. This opens up working with angelic energy to everyone.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Violet, Purple
    These colours represent transformation, spiritual growth, and the purification of emotions. They reflect Zadkiel’s energy of healing and forgiveness.

  • Numbers: 7
    The number 7 symbolises spiritual awakening, introspection, and the quest for deeper understanding. It encourages you to seek forgiveness and emotional clarity.

  • Symbols: The Violet Flame, Dove, Open Hands
    The Violet Flame represents transmutation and the cleansing of negative energies. The Dove symbolises peace and reconciliation, while open hands signify the act of giving and receiving forgiveness.


  • Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Azurite, Amethyst


  • Air

Stories & Symbolism

In many traditions, Zadkiel is associated with the concept of the Violet Flame, a powerful tool for transforming negative energies into positive ones. This symbol emphasises Zadkiel’s role in helping you release old wounds and embrace a more compassionate and loving perspective.

Zadkiel’s stories often highlight acts of mercy and the profound impact of forgiveness. His presence in various religious texts underscores his commitment to helping individuals find emotional freedom and spiritual growth through the practice of forgiveness.

Simple Practices

  • Violet Flame Meditation:
    Visualise the Violet Flame surrounding you, transmuting any negative emotions or thoughts into positive energy. Ask Zadkiel to help you release past hurts and embrace forgiveness. This practice can help you feel lighter and more compassionate.

  • Forgiveness Ritual:
    Write down any grudges or negative feelings you hold towards others or yourself. Burn the paper safely, visualising the Violet Flame consuming the negativity and transforming it into love and understanding. This ritual can help you let go of emotional baggage and move forward with a clear heart.

  • Compassion Exercise:
    Think of someone who has hurt you. Imagine sending them love and understanding, asking Zadkiel to help you see the situation from a higher perspective. This exercise can help you cultivate empathy and reduce feelings of resentment.

  • Mercy Prayer:
    Recite a prayer asking for Zadkiel’s guidance in embracing mercy and compassion in your daily life. Focus on opening your heart to acts of kindness and forgiveness. This prayer can help you align with Zadkiel’s energy of benevolence and grace.

  • Emotional Healing Visualisation:
    Visualise Zadkiel’s violet light surrounding your heart, healing any wounds and filling you with love and compassion. This visualisation can help you feel more at peace and emotionally balanced.

  • Acts of Kindness:
    Perform random acts of kindness, dedicating them to Zadkiel’s energy of compassion and mercy. These acts can help you embody the principles of forgiveness and benevolence in your everyday life.

