Archangel Uriel

My experience with Uriel…

Golden. That’s the first word that comes to mind. One of my most memorable experiences with Archangel Uriel happened during a beautiful sunrise. The sun seemed extra bright that morning, almost as if it was dialling up its brilliance just for me. Golden light sparkled through the leaves of the trees, creating a magical scene that felt like a personal message from Uriel. In that moment, Uriel taught me not to focus on the dark, reminding me that the light is always there, even when it's hard to see. Uriel embodies hope, showing me that the light is within us all.

Uriel's presence is not limited to this golden light. Sometimes, Uriel appears as a vibrant, abundant red energy, bursting with life and vitality. This masculine and feminine energy reflects a perfect balance of strength and nurturing. It's like a powerful spark that ignites within me, revealing my full potential and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead.

Uriel's message is clear: Imagine yourself as the sun, because we are all connected to the source of light and energy. This connection fills me with hope and inspiration, urging me to embrace my inner light and shine brightly, no matter the circumstances.

Working with Uriel has been an exhilarating journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Uriel's vibrant energy lights the spark within me, constantly reminding me of our incredible potential. This dynamic archangel has shown me that the light within us is eternal and that by focusing on the light, we can overcome any darkness.

Every encounter with Uriel leaves me feeling energised and inspired, ready to embrace the day with a renewed sense of purpose. Uriel's guidance has been a beacon of hope in my life, illuminating my path and helping me see the beauty and potential in every moment.

Energy Feels Like

Uriel's energy is often described as a sudden spark of inspiration, clarity, or a solution to a problem. Uriel is associated with warmth, expansiveness, and a sense of understanding. It’s like standing in the middle of the strongest ray of sunshine. It is instant protection and incredibly powerful.

Call on Uriel for:

  • Gaining wisdom and illumination in challenging situations

  • Finding clarity and insight during times of confusion

  • Enhancing your intellectual pursuits and problem-solving abilities

  • Receiving guidance in matters of prophecy and foresight

  • Strengthening your connection to divine light and wisdom

  • Promoting feelings of warmth and understanding

  • Support in illuminating hidden truths and insights

  • Encouragement to embrace change and new perspectives

  • Enhancing your ability to receive and interpret divine knowledge

  • Finding solutions to complex problems with clarity

  • Promoting feelings of enlightenment and spiritual growth

  • Strengthening your ability to connect with your inner guidance

Traditional Roles

 Uriel is known as the “flame of God” and the angel of wisdom, illumination, and divine light. Uriel is often associated with intellectual pursuits, problem-solving, and connecting to inner guidance. Uriel roles also sometimes extend to aiding natural disasters and prophetic visions.

Archangel Uriel seeks the root of all truth—personal, professional, and divine. Have you ever been scared to hear the truth? Uriel may seem intimidating because of this very reason. He often appears when you least expect it, ready to reveal truths that might be hard to hear.

Don’t ignore his signs and promptings, and don’t fear him! The truth, though sometimes difficult, is essential for growth and transformation. Uriel’s guidance is always purposeful, leading you to become the best version of yourself.

Uriel is also connected to service. Uriel encourages you to serve others in your unique way, whether it’s through hard physical work, sharing your knowledge and experiences, or offering a compassionate hug. Only you can connect with people in your special, individual way.

Archangel Uriel is associated with the colour red and the red angel light ray. This means Uriel may connect with you through certain objects, days, or symbols linked to this vibrant colour. Embrace Uriel’s presence and allow his guidance to illuminate your path.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Yellow and gold, Red
    These colours symbolise enlightenment, understanding, and the power of the sun. They reflect Uriel’s energy of illumination and wisdom.

  • Numbers: 5
    The number 5 represents change, intellectual curiosity, and adaptability. It encourages you to seek knowledge and embrace new perspectives.

  • Symbols: An open hand holding a flame
    This symbol represents the light of truth, wisdom, and the illumination of the soul. It highlights Uriel’s role in bringing clarity and understanding.


  • Hematite, Obsidian, Tiger's Eye and Rutilated Quartz


  • Earth

Stories & Symbolism

In the Book of Enoch, Uriel is one of the seven archangels responsible for watching over the world. He’s depicted as an insightful guide who reveals divine knowledge.

Some traditions portray Uriel as the angel who warned Noah of the impending flood, emphasising his role in guidance and prophecy. His stories often involve moments of sudden insight and the discovery of deeper truths.

Simple Practices

  • Light Meditation:
    Visualise a radiant golden light representing Uriel’s presence. Focus on this light filling your mind, bringing clarity and illuminating any issues you seek understanding. Ask for Uriel’s guidance and wisdom to reveal the best path forward. This practice can help you gain clarity and insight.

  • Problem-Solving Prayer:
    When facing a challenge or needing a creative solution, invoke Uriel’s support. Clearly state your problem, asking for insight, clarity, and innovative solutions. Be open to receiving answers that might come unexpectedly through insights, signs, or sudden inspiration. This practice can help you find creative and effective solutions to your challenges.

  • Study Enhancement:
    Before studying or engaging in intellectual work, ask Uriel for assistance focusing your mind, increasing comprehension, and retaining information. Visualise his golden light surrounding your study space to create an environment conducive to learning. This practice can help you enhance your focus and understanding.

