Archangel Sandalphon

My experience with Sandalphon…

Working with Archangel Sandalphon has been an incredibly grounding experience for me. It's almost like I am wearing heavy shoes or sandals that keep me firmly connected to the earth while I engage in my spiritual work. This sensation of grounding is essential, especially when dealing with high-frequency energies that can sometimes make you feel unanchored.

When I connect with Sandalphon, I often "see" a turquoise cloud surrounding my feet. It's a comforting presence, almost as if I am walking in the clouds while staying rooted to the earth. This turquoise energy provides a beautiful balance, allowing me to navigate the spiritual realms without losing my connection to the physical world.

Sandalphon’s energy is deeply grounding, yet it also lifts me, creating a harmonious blend of stability and elevation. This dual sensation helps me stay centred and focused, ensuring that I can channel high-frequency energies effectively and safely. It's like having the best of both worlds—being firmly planted on the ground while also reaching for the skies.

Sandalphon’s presence is a reminder of the importance of grounding in spiritual practices. His turquoise cloud keeps me plugged into the earth, providing the stability I need to explore higher realms. This grounding force has been instrumental in my spiritual journey, helping me maintain balance and clarity as I navigate the complexities of spiritual work.

With Sandalphon by my side, I feel a profound sense of security and connection. His grounding energy allows me to confidently perform my spiritual tasks, knowing that I am supported and anchored. This experience has been transformative, enhancing my ability to connect with the universe while staying rooted in my earthly existence.

Energy Feels Like

Sandalphon’s energy is grounding, deeply connecting, and offering a bridge between the earthly and divine realms. Some experience it as a musical or harmonious vibration. Imagine a deep, resonant energy connecting you to the earth and the heavens.

Call on Sandalphon for:

  • Delivering your prayers to the Divine

  • Enhancing your connection to the spiritual realms

  • Finding harmony and balance in your life

  • Receiving guidance through music and sound

  • Strengthening your ability to communicate with the Divine

  • Promoting feelings of peace and serenity

  • Support in grounding your spiritual experiences

  • Encouragement to express your spirituality through music and art

  • Enhancing your sense of divine connection in daily life

  • Finding comfort and support in your spiritual practices

  • Strengthening your ability to receive and interpret divine messages

  • Promoting feelings of deep spiritual connection and harmony

Traditional Roles

Sandalphon is primarily known for delivering prayers to the Divine. He’s also associated with music and regarded as one of the tallest angels, often depicted as reaching from Earth to the Heavens. Sandalphon’s presence can help you feel a deep connection between the earthly and divine realms.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Turquoise
    This colour represents Sandalphon’s connection to both the spiritual and earthly realms. It reflects his energy of harmony and balance.

  • Numbers: 10
    The number 10 symbolises completion, spiritual attainment, and connection to the Divine. It encourages you to seek spiritual fulfilment and a deeper connection to the Divine.

  • Symbols: Musical Notes or Instruments, Ladder
    Musical notes and instruments represent Sandalphon’s connection to music and its use in prayer and spiritual expression. The ladder signifies his role as a bridge between Heaven and Earth.


  • Earth


  • Turquoise and Calcite

Stories & Symbolism

Sandalphon is considered Metatron’s twin brother. They were both believed to be humans (Enoch and Elijah) elevated to angelic status. This story highlights Sandalphon’s unique connection to humanity and his role in delivering prayers to the Divine.

Sandalphon carries others' prayers to the Divine, creating a pathway and amplifying their power. Some stories depict Sandalphon leading celestial choirs and composing beautiful music that glorifies the Divine and uplifts the soul.

Simple Practices

  • Music Meditation:
    Listen to sacred or uplifting music that inspires feelings of connection to the Divine. Focus on the sounds and how they resonate within you. Imagine Sandalphon carrying these vibrations as prayers of gratitude and connection. This practice can help you feel a deeper connection to the Divine through music.

  • Prayer Writing:
    Write down your prayers or wishes, including hopes for others and the world. Visualise Sandalphon carrying these prayers upwards, offering them to the Divine. You could burn the prayer as a symbolic act of letting go and trusting its delivery. (Please do so safely.) This practice can help you feel a sense of release and trust in the Divine.

  • Walking Meditation:
    With each step, focus on a sense of grounding to the Earth. Simultaneously, feel an upward connection to the heavens. Let your steps be a prayer of balance and connection between the physical and spiritual. Visualise Sandalphon supporting this connection. This practice can help you feel balanced and connected to both the earthly and divine realms.

