Archangel Raziel

My experience with Raziel…

Connecting with Archangel Raziel has been a unique and enlightening experience for me. I know he is near when I hear a certain line of a song, a signal that instantly brings his presence into my awareness. This line acts as a bridge, inviting Raziel into my space and opening up a channel for deep spiritual insight.

Raziel connects with me in a very tangible way. I feel his presence when he touches both palms of my hands at the same time. This touch is not just a physical sensation; it’s a profound connection that transcends the physical realm. It feels like an infusion of divine knowledge and wisdom, directly transferring insights and understanding into my being.

When I work with Raziel, the doors to greater possibilities swing wide open. I'm no longer bound by the limitations of my mind; instead, everything becomes a potential reality. Raziel’s influence expands my perception, allowing me to see and sense things beyond the physical world. It’s as if the veil between the seen and unseen lifts, revealing a universe brimming with endless possibilities and deeper truths.

Working with Raziel is incredibly liberating. His presence dissolves any mental constraints, helping me realise that there is so much more to life than what meets the eye. This expanded awareness enriches my spiritual journey, making every experience more profound and meaningful.

Through Raziel’s guidance, I’ve learned to embrace the mysteries of the universe with an open heart and mind. His touch and presence remind me that I am part of a much larger tapestry of existence, where everything is interconnected and filled with divine potential. This connection with Raziel has been a gateway to higher understanding and a constant reminder of the infinite possibilities that lie within and around us.

Energy Feels Like

Raziel’s energy is often described as deeply mystical and enlightening. It can feel like a sudden, intense burst of understanding or a gentle, unfolding revelation. His presence is both serene and powerful, offering a sense of clarity and wisdom. Imagine an aura of shimmering light that surrounds you, filling you with profound insights and a deep connection to the mysteries of the universe.

Call on Raziel for:

  • Gaining profound spiritual insights and understanding

  • Unlocking esoteric knowledge and hidden truths

  • Enhancing your intuitive abilities

  • Deepening your connection to divine wisdom

  • Interpreting dreams and spiritual experiences

  • Exploring the mysteries of the universe

  • Guidance in studying sacred and mystical texts

  • Support in understanding complex spiritual concepts

  • Enlightening your path with clarity and wisdom

  • Enhancing your ability to perceive the unseen

  • Assistance in spiritual awakening and growth

  • Receiving revelations that guide your spiritual journey

Traditional Roles

Archangel Raziel means “secrets of God” and is often referred to as the "Keeper of Secrets" and the "Angel of Mysteries." He is known for his profound wisdom and is believed to hold the secrets of the universe.

Raziel’s role includes helping humans understand esoteric knowledge, spiritual truths, and the mysteries of the divine. He is associated with deep spiritual insight and the pursuit of higher knowledge. He is known for his ability to control light and heal wounds.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Rainbow hues, representing the full spectrum of divine knowledge and enlightenment.

    These colours reflect Raziel’s connection to the many facets of wisdom and his ability to illuminate all areas of understanding.

  • Numbers: 7
    The number 7 is often associated with Raziel, symbolising spiritual awakening, introspection, and the pursuit of divine knowledge.

  • Symbols: The Book of Secrets, an Eye
    The Book of Secrets represents Raziel’s role as the keeper of divine mysteries, while the eye symbolises insight, vision, and the ability to perceive hidden truths.


  • Air


  • Tiger’s Eye and Amber

Stories & Symbolism

In Jewish mysticism, Raziel is believed to have written the "Sefer Raziel HaMalach" (The Book of Raziel the Angel), which contains all the secrets of the universe. This book is said to be given to Adam after he was expelled from Eden to help him understand the mysteries of creation and the divine.

Raziel is also associated with the Kabbalah, where he is considered a guide to understanding the esoteric aspects of the Torah and the hidden meanings within sacred texts. His teachings are believed to help individuals unlock their spiritual potential and connect more deeply with divine wisdom.

Simple Practices

  • Meditation on Wisdom:
    Find a quiet place and visualise Raziel’s rainbow light surrounding you. Focus on a question or area where you seek deeper understanding. Allow thoughts and insights to flow, trusting Raziel’s guidance. This practice can help you access higher knowledge and spiritual truths.

  • Study of Sacred Texts:
    Engage with texts that explore spiritual and esoteric knowledge. Ask Raziel to help you understand and interpret the deeper meanings. This practice can enhance your comprehension and connection to divine wisdom.

  • Dream Journaling:
    Keep a journal by your bed to record dreams and any insights you receive upon waking. Raziel is known to communicate through dreams, offering guidance and revelation. Reviewing your dreams can help you uncover hidden messages and spiritual insights.

  • Symbol Work:
    Draw or visualise Raziel’s symbols, such as the Book of Secrets or an eye. Meditate on these symbols, asking for Raziel’s help in revealing their meanings and how they apply to your spiritual journey. This practice can deepen your connection to the mysteries of the universe.

