Archangel Raphael

My experience with Raphael…

My experience with Archangel Raphael has been profoundly transformative, especially during times of recovery and healing. Raphael has always been by my side, providing comfort and strength. His presence is unmistakable, manifesting as an emerald spiraling wind that envelops me in a healing embrace. This emerald energy is vast and powerful, yet gentle and nurturing, offering a sense of reassurance and tranquility.

When Raphael is near, I can feel his presence deeply; it’s a tangible sensation that brings a profound sense of peace and well-being. I often see green birds, such as king parrots and lorikeets, appearing around me. Their vibrant colors and cheerful calls seem to herald Raphael’s presence, reminding me of the natural world's beauty and the healing power it holds.

Raphael's ability to respond quickly is remarkable. He comes swiftly when called upon and acts with great speed when sending healing to others. His energy is both gentle and strong, grounded in the earthly elements that connect us all. This combination of gentle care and robust action makes his healing presence incredibly effective and comforting.

Whenever I work with Raphael, the world around me feels more vibrant and alive. The green hues of nature become more pronounced, and bird calls seem to resonate with a deeper, more soothing tone. Raphael’s influence extends beyond just physical healing; it touches the soul, bringing a holistic sense of restoration and balance.

In my spiritual practice, calling upon Raphael has been an essential part of my journey. His guidance and support have helped me navigate through challenging times, offering not just healing but also a renewed sense of hope and vitality. The connection to Raphael reinforces my bond with nature, highlighting the importance of harmony between our inner and outer worlds.

Energy Feels Like

Raphael's presence is often described as comforting, soothing, and rejuvenating, but it is also STRONG. His energy promotes peace and supports the body's natural healing processes.

Call on Raphael for:

  • Healing physical, emotional, and spiritual ailments

  • Finding comfort and peace in times of illness

  • Enhancing your well-being and vitality

  • Receiving guidance and protection during travels

  • Support in maintaining a healthy lifestyle

  • Encouragement to embrace natural healing methods

  • Strengthening your connection to divine healing energy

  • Promoting feelings of peace and relaxation

  • Assistance in healing relationships and emotional wounds

  • Enhancing your ability to care for and heal others

  • Finding solace and support during recovery

  • Encouraging a holistic approach to health and well-being

Traditional Roles

Archangel Raphael is primarily known as the angel of healing. He's associated with physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. He's also a patron of travellers, offering guidance and protection during journeys.

Chamuel means “God who heals”.

When I use the term 'God,' I'm not talking about a specific religious figure. Instead, I'm referring to the universal source of all creation, the energy that connects everything in existence. I see our connection coming to source as the Universe, Source Energy or the Divine. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the same thing. This opens up working with angelic energy to everyone.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Emerald green is Raphael's primary colour, representing healing, nature, and growth.

  • Numbers: Raphael resonates with the number 5, which symbolizes change, adaptability, and the dynamism of the natural world.

  • Symbols:

    • The Caduceus is an ancient symbol of healing and transformation, a wand with two intertwined serpents and wings.

    • Staff: A traveller's staff, representing his role in assisting with journeys (both physical and spiritual).


  • Emerald, Malachite, Fuschite, Citrine, Aventurine and Yellow Calcite


  • Air or Metal

Stories & Symbolism

Book of Tobit: Raphael plays a major role in the apocryphal Book of Tobit, guiding and supporting a young man named Tobias on a healing journey.

Pool of Bethesda: Some traditions link Raphael to the healing powers of the Pool of Bethesda, where bathers were believed to be miraculously cured.

Patron of Healers: Raphael is considered the patron saint of healers, doctors, nurses, and others involved in the healing professions.

Simple Practices

  • Healing Visualisation: Find a quiet place and visualise emerald green light, representing Raphael's healing energy. Focus this light on any areas (body, mind, or spirit) where you desire healing. Affirmations like: "I am open to Raphael's healing energy" can be used.

  • Support for Healers: If you're a healer or care for others, visualise Raphael's energy surrounding you to enhance your ability to help. Visualise his green light flowing through you and into those you serve.

  • Guidance on Journeys: Before travelling, ask for Raphael's guidance and protection on your journey. Visualise him walking beside you, ensuring smooth travels and a safe return.

