Archangel Mikhael / Michael

My experience with Mikhael…

One night, I woke up to a powerful voice in my bedroom, clear and resonant, saying "MIK-AY-EL." The voice was deep and loud, and I woke up with a fright. However, I quickly realised that the tone of the voice was not meant to scare me—it was an awakening.

This moment marked the beginning of a profound journey with Archangel Michael.

Strangely, I didn’t connect MIK-AY-EL with Michael for a few weeks. But when I did… WOAH. When I joined the dots, he made sure he knew how happy he was I finally worked out what his message was and that it was time to work with the angels in the physical world.

Through my work with the angels, I have been gifted incredible tools to aid in my spiritual practice. One of these is a sword of light, bestowed upon me by Michael himself. I use this sword to cut energetic cords and connect more deeply with the angelic realms. This sword of light is a symbol of protection and empowerment, allowing me to navigate my spiritual path with clarity and purpose.

In addition to the sword, Michael has given me a shield of light that resembles a dodecahedron. This shield amplifies the power of the sword and aids in both distance and in-person healing. It serves as a protective barrier and a powerful tool for enhancing the energy work I do, providing an extra layer of strength and resilience.

Michael has also been instrumental in my angelic diamond activation process, which is a unique practice that opens individuals to how amazing the universe is, inviting in abundance and flow all whilst connecting people with their guardian angel.

His guidance and support have been crucial in helping me facilitate these connections, enabling others to experience the profound love and protection of their own angels.

Michael's presence in my life has been transformative. His energy is both fierce and comforting, providing me with an unshakeable sense of security and empowerment. With his help, I have been able to embrace my full potential and assist others in their spiritual journeys, forging a deeper connection with the divine.

Every encounter with Michael leaves me feeling invigorated and inspired, ready to face any challenge with courage and grace. His guidance is a beacon of light in my life, illuminating my path and helping me see the beauty and potential in every moment.

Energy Feels Like

Experiencing Archangel Michael’s energy is like standing at the heart of a raging storm, but instead of feeling fear, you’re filled with an exhilarating sense of power and invincibility. His energy is electrifying, coursing through you like a surge of adrenaline that sharpens your senses and heightens your awareness. It’s as if a brilliant, blue light surrounds you, creating an impenetrable shield that deflects any negativity or fear.

Imagine feeling a sudden, intense burst of clarity and purpose, as if Michael himself is handing you a sword of light to cut through any doubts or obstacles in your path. His presence is a dynamic force that sweeps away uncertainty, replacing it with unwavering confidence and determination. Michael’s energy is both fierce and comforting, like a roaring fire that warms your soul and ignites your inner strength.

When Michael is with you, you feel an unshakeable sense of security and empowerment. It’s like being wrapped in an armour of pure light, ready to face any challenge with courage and grace. His energy not only protects but also emboldens you, making you feel like a warrior ready to conquer any adversity. The experience is invigorating, leaving you with a profound sense of resilience and an unyielding belief in your own power.

Michael’s presence is a transformative force that energises every cell in your body, filling you with a renewed sense of purpose and a fearless spirit. It’s like standing on the edge of a vast, unexplored wilderness, feeling the rush of anticipation and excitement at the adventures that lie ahead. With Michael by your side, you’re not just prepared for the journey—you’re ready to embrace it with open arms and an unstoppable drive.

Call on Mikhael for:

  • Protection from negative energies and forces

  • Gaining courage and strength in challenging times

  • Finding clarity and focus in your life’s purpose

  • Support in cutting through confusion and doubts

  • Enhancing your sense of security and safety

  • Encouragement to stand in your truth and integrity

  • Overcoming fears and obstacles with confidence

  • Strengthening your resolve to pursue your goals

  • Receiving guidance and support in difficult situations

  • Promoting feelings of empowerment and resilience

  • Assistance in cleansing and purifying your energy

  • Enhancing your connection to divine guidance and protection

Traditional Roles

Michael is widely considered one of the most powerful archangels, often depicted as a protector, warrior, and champion of justice. His primary functions include battling against negative forces, offering courage in challenging times, and guiding souls on their spiritual path. Michael’s presence can provide you with strength, protection, and unwavering support.

His name means “Who is like God” and can be spelt in various ways, such as Mikail, Mikhail, Mikhael, and Saint Michael.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Blue (especially deep blue) and gold
    These colours represent Michael’s protective and empowering energy. Deep blue symbolises his strength and protection, while gold signifies his divine connection and guidance.

  • Numbers: 1
    The number 1 symbolises unity, new beginnings, and Michael’s role as a leader and protector. It encourages you to embrace your strength and take decisive action.

  • Symbols: Sword, Shield, Wings
    These symbols highlight Michael’s role as a warrior and protector. The sword represents his power to cut through negativity, the shield symbolises protection, and wings signify his swiftness, power, and connection to the divine realm.


  • Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite and Sugalite plus Clear Quartz and Obsidian.


  • Fire

Stories & Symbolism

Michael is often depicted as a fierce warrior battling negativity and guiding souls on their spiritual journey. His stories emphasise his role as a protector and champion of justice, offering strength and support in times of need.

In many traditions, Michael is seen as a guardian angel who provides protection and guidance to those who call upon him. His presence brings a sense of security and empowerment, helping you face challenges with courage and determination.

Simple Practices

  • Protection Visualisation: Envision Michael standing beside you, surrounded by radiant blue light. Imagine his shield of protection deflecting any negativity. Affirm: "I am protected by Michael's strength and divine light. "

  • Courage Invocation: When facing a challenge, invoke Michael's support. Visualise his empowering presence, filling you with determination. Affirm, "I am filled with Michael's courage and strength."

  • Cleansing an Object: Hold a crystal, piece of jewellery, or a special object in your hands. Invoke Michael's energy to cleanse it of negativity and imbue it with light. Imagine a vibrant blue light washing over the object, restoring its positive energy.

