Archangel Metatron

My experience with Metatron…

I met metatron when I was 12. Just recalling this moment brings tears to my eyes.

When I was 12, I had an extraordinary encounter with Archangel Metatron that changed my life. It was a typical spring day, nothing out of the ordinary until Metatron appeared in my bedroom. He was immense, filling the entire room with his presence - from floor to ceiling - and he was a beautiful white angel of light. Even when I shut my eyes, I could still see him clearly. The rush of his wings was palpable, like a powerful energy sweeping through the space.

In that moment, Metatron gave me a symbol—a purple six-pointed star. At the time, I didn't fully understand its significance, but it has always stayed with me. It wasn't until 30 years later, when I began learning Pellowah, that I discovered what it was: a merkabah. That realisation was like a flash of light, connecting the dots of my spiritual journey.

Interestingly, I often see Metatron as flashes of white light. This encounter was no different, filled with illuminating brilliance that stayed with me long after. Metatron's presence was awe-inspiring and comforting.

That purple six-pointed star symbol has been a beacon of hope during some of the darkest parts of my life. It has saved me more times than I can count, guiding me through challenges and helping me uncover my true path. These experiences, which I now acknowledge as tests, were pivotal moments to see "which way I chose" as I uncovered my solo mission here on earth.

This profound experience has been a guiding light in my life, reminding me of the deep and mysterious connections that shape our spiritual paths. Metatron’s visits, always marked by these flashes of light, continue to inspire and guide me, offering insights and wisdom that have become an integral part of my journey.

In fact, I’m seeing flashes as I write this. Metatron says hello.

Energy Feels Like

Metatron’s energy is often described as powerful, electrifying, and transformative.

It can feel like a strong, clear presence that brings order, structure, and deep spiritual insight. Imagine an intense, vibrant energy that illuminates your path and provides clarity and direction.

I also “see” Metatron as flashing orbs of white light.

Call on Metatron for:

  • Accessing divine wisdom and knowledge

  • Understanding and working with sacred geometry

  • Gaining insights from the Akashic Records

  • Finding order and structure in your spiritual practices

  • Support in guiding and protecting children

  • Enhancing your connection to the divine realms

  • Transforming negative energies into positive ones

  • Strengthening your ability to focus and organise

  • Encouragement to embrace your spiritual growth

  • Gaining clarity and insights for personal transformation

  • Support in accessing higher levels of consciousness

  • Enhancing your understanding of the interconnectedness of the universe

Traditional Roles

Metatron is one of the most powerful archangels and has somewhat unique roles. He’s regarded as the scribe of God, overseeing the Akashic Records, which contain all knowledge of the universe. Metatron is also associated with sacred geometry and often plays a role in issues involving children. His presence can help you access divine wisdom and understand the deeper patterns of the universe.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Vibrant violet and green
    These colours symbolise spiritual wisdom, transformation, and connection to the divine. They reflect Metatron’s energy of profound insight and spiritual growth.

  • Numbers: 1
    The number 1 resonates with Metatron, representing unity, connection to the divine, and his role as a bridge between realms. It encourages you to seek oneness with the divine and embrace your spiritual journey.

  • Symbols: Metatron’s Cube, The Merkabah

    Metatron's Cube (first image below) consists of 13 circles interconnected by straight lines. This intricate design is believed to contain all the geometric shapes found in existence. In sacred geometry, Metatron's Cube represents the blueprint of creation, symbolising balance and harmony and illustrating the interconnectedness of all life. Metatron’s Cube includes the Merkabah, a star tetrahedron that symbolises divine protection and a vehicle for spiritual ascension. The Hebrew word Merkaba is composed of three words: Mer-Ka-Ba (or Bah). Mer means light, Ka refers to spirit, and Ba refers to the body (see second image below).


  • Watermelon Tourmaline, Ruby in Fuchsite, Ruby in Zoisite, Fluorite, Unakite, Zoisite


  • All

Stories & Symbolism

Some traditions consider Metatron to have once been the human prophet Enoch, elevated to archangel status due to his righteousness and wisdom. This story highlights Metatron’s unique connection to humanity and his role as a bridge between the earthly and divine realms.

Metatron is also tasked with overseeing and maintaining the Akashic Records, emphasising his access to universal knowledge and wisdom. His stories often involve guiding spiritual seekers, providing clarity and insights for personal growth and understanding the deeper workings of the universe.

Simple Practices

  • Visualisation of Metatron’s Cube:
    Meditate with an image of Metatron’s Cube, focusing on its geometric perfection. Visualise it clearing away negative energies and promoting clarity of thought. This practice can help you connect with Metatron’s energy and gain deeper insights.

  • Connecting through Writing:
    Write down any inspired thoughts, insights, or messages you believe are channelled from Metatron. This can enhance spiritual clarity and access to divine knowledge. Keep a journal to document your experiences and reflections.

  • Child-Focused Prayers:
    Invoke Metatron’s assistance for the well-being and spiritual guidance of children. This could be for your own children, children in general, or your inner child. Visualise Metatron’s protective and guiding presence surrounding them.

Merkebah - Light Body

