Archangel Azrael

My experience with Azrael…

Whenever I work with Azrael, I see myself at the top of a mountain looking down over a valley that leads to the ocean. On the horizon, the sky is pink and golden. Is it sunset or sunrise? I can never tell, but it doesn’t matter: it just feels like change. Change can be scary, but when you ask for guidance from Azrael, all fear subsides and there’s a magical sense of wonder that comes through. Azrael’s help is like a dimmer switch - you can turn up the light, to move forward into change. Or turn it down for peace and quiet while get used to new surroundings or experiences and rest and recharge. In this case, Azrael keeps you moving forward gently, without stopping.

Even writing this, I feel Azrael’s hand on my shoulder, as a sign of reassurance and the message: keep going forward.

Energy Feels Like

Interacting with Azrael feels like a warm, supportive embrace during tough transitions. His presence is comforting yet intense, offering profound understanding and relief. Imagine a serene presence enveloping you, whispering words of comfort and guidance, helping you navigate the often tumultuous waters of grief and change.

Call on Azrael for:

  • Comfort during times of grief and loss

  • Guidance for navigating significant life transitions

  • Support in letting go and finding peace

  • Assistance in connecting with loved ones who have passed

  • Help in processing and releasing feelings of sadness

  • Strength in facing the inevitability of life cycles

  • Finding solace and understanding during difficult times

  • Easing the emotional burden of change

  • Gaining insights and clarity during moments of uncertainty

  • Healing emotional wounds related to loss

  • Support in honouring and remembering loved ones

  • Encouragement to embrace new beginnings with courage

Traditional Roles

Azrael is your compassionate guide through transitions, especially in moments of grief and loss. Known as the angel of death, he brings comfort and support as souls move from the physical world to the spiritual realm. Azrael is also there to lend solace to those mourning a loss. He acts as a bridge between the earthly and spiritual realms, ensuring that the passage is peaceful and filled with understanding.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Soft Grey (transition), Deep Blue (release), White (peace)
    These colours embody the essence of Azrael, representing the delicate balance between letting go and finding peace. Soft Grey signifies the transition period, Deep Blue provides a soothing release, and White brings purity and tranquillity.

  • Numbers: 8 (transformation and new beginnings)
    The number 8 is a powerful symbol of transformation, reflecting the infinite cycle of endings and beginnings. It serves as a reminder that every ending is a prelude to a new beginning, guided by Azrael’s gentle hand.

  • Symbols: Dove (peace), Hourglass (time), Weeping Willow Tree (grief and change)
    Each symbol associated with Azrael carries deep meaning. The Dove represents peace and the serenity that comes with acceptance. The Hourglass is a reminder of the passage of time and the natural cycles of life. The Weeping Willow Tree symbolises grief, letting go, and the fluidity of change.


  • Earth


  • Yellow calcite

Stories & Symbolism

Azrael is often portrayed as a gentle guide rather than the grim reaper, easing souls into the afterlife with compassion. His symbolic scythe is seen not as a weapon but a tool for releasing the spirit from its physical form. This portrayal contrasts sharply with the more frightening depictions of death, emphasising Azrael’s role as a benevolent shepherd of souls.

In many traditions, Azrael’s presence during the final moments of life is seen as a blessing, providing comfort and easing the fear of the unknown. His stories are filled with examples of his gentle touch, helping both the departing and their loved ones find peace and closure.

Simple Practices

  • Grief Acknowledgement:
    Finding a quiet place and lighting a white or blue candle (optional) can create a serene environment. Ask Azrael to help you process your grief. Speak aloud, write, or simply think about what you've lost. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions, knowing that Azrael is there to support you.

  • Remembrance Ritual:
    Create a ritual to honour a past loved one. This could involve lighting candles, sharing memories, or creating a small memorial. Focus on positive memories, gratitude, and the continued connection to their love. This practice can help transform grief into a celebration of life and enduring love.

  • Transition Support:
    If facing a major life transition, ask Azrael for guidance and courage to embrace change. Take a tangible step – research, declutter, or confide in a trusted person about this shift. By actively engaging with the transition, you can harness Azrael’s energy to move forward with confidence and peace.

