Archangel Ariel

My experience with Ariel…

I first encountered Archangel Ariel during a guided meditation with Triona Sheeran when I visited the Akashic Records. Ariel appeared to me in the form of a lion and guided me through the Akashic Records. Whenever I work with Ariel, I notice an abundance of animals, particularly birds, appearing in my daily life. Birds seem to come closer, and their songs become more prominent, creating a symphony of nature around me. It's as if the very essence of Ariel calls forth the spirits of animals to surround and support me.

When Ariel is close, there's always a lovely feeling of grounding and a profound connection to nature. I feel deeply rooted to the Earth, and my senses become more attuned to the natural world. The rustling of leaves, the scent of flowers, and the gentle touch of the wind all become more vivid and alive.

Her inspiration comes through strongly, especially when I have been writing my novel, which has strong thematic ties to protecting the planet and endangered animals. The presence of Ariel enhances my creativity, and my words flow effortlessly as I channel her energy. I feel guided to write with a purpose, to share messages of conservation and respect for all living beings.

Energy Feels Like

Ariel’s energy is often described as grounding, nurturing, and fiercely protective. Her presence feels like a warm embrace from nature itself, filled with the strength and gentleness of a lioness. Imagine a serene yet powerful energy that connects you to the earth and its life force.

Call on Ariel for:

  • Healing and protecting animals

  • Connecting with nature and the environment

  • Enhancing your appreciation for the natural world

  • Support in environmental conservation efforts

  • Finding grounding and stability

  • Nurturing your relationship with the earth

  • Guidance in healing and caring for pets

  • Strengthening your connection to elemental forces

  • Encouragement to take action for environmental preservation

  • Finding peace and balance through nature

  • Support in understanding and respecting the cycles of life

  • Enhancing your ability to live harmoniously with nature

Traditional Roles

Archangel Ariel’s presence is a reminder of the beauty and importance of the natural world. By connecting with her energy, you can deepen your relationship with the earth and its creatures, fostering a sense of stewardship and love for the environment.

Ariel mean “lioness of God”

When I use the term 'God,' I'm not talking about a specific religious figure. Instead, I'm referring to the universal source of all creation, the energy that connects everything in existence. I see our connection coming to source as the Universe, Source Energy or the Divine. Whatever you want to call it, it’s the same thing. This opens up working with angelic energy to everyone.

Key Colours, Numbers, and Symbols

  • Colours: Pale Pink, Green
    These colours represent love, nature, and healing. They reflect Ariel’s nurturing and protective energy.

  • Numbers: 4
    The number 4 symbolises stability, foundation, and the natural order. It encourages you to connect with nature and find balance in the physical world.

  • Symbols: Lioness, Earth, Waterfall
    The lioness represents Ariel’s fierce protective nature, the earth symbolises her connection to the environment, and the waterfall signifies the flow of life and the healing power of nature.


  • Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite


  • Water

Stories & Symbolism

Ariel is often depicted as a guardian of nature and animals, working tirelessly to protect and heal the natural world. Her stories highlight her role in encouraging humans to respect and care for the environment and its creatures.

She is also associated with elemental forces and is believed to have the power to influence natural events. Ariel’s presence in various traditions underscores her commitment to the earth and its inhabitants, reminding us of the importance of conservation and environmental stewardship.

Simple Practices

  • Animal Healing:
    If you have a pet or encounter an animal in need, call upon Ariel for assistance. Visualise her gentle, nurturing energy surrounding the animal, providing comfort and healing. This practice can help you support the well-being of animals in your care.

  • Environmental Conservation:
    Take action to protect and preserve the environment. This can be through recycling, participating in clean-up efforts, or supporting conservation organisations. Dedicate these actions to Ariel, asking for her guidance and support in making a positive impact on the planet.

  • Grounding Meditation:
    Find a quiet place outdoors and sit comfortably. Visualise roots extending from your body into the earth, connecting you to its life force. Ask Ariel to help you feel grounded and centred. This practice can help you find stability and balance in your daily life.

  • Elemental Connection:
    Spend time near natural elements such as water, trees, or mountains. Reflect on their power and beauty, and ask Ariel to help you connect with their energy. This practice can deepen your appreciation for the natural world and its elements.

  • Earth Blessing:
    Create a small ritual to bless the earth. This could involve planting a tree, creating a garden, or simply offering a prayer of gratitude for the earth’s gifts. Ask Ariel to bless your efforts and guide you in living harmoniously with nature. This practice can help you cultivate a deeper respect and love for the planet.

